Daily Prompt; VIP / The Daily Post

The Great Seal of the State of Indiana

The Great Seal of the State of Indiana

Daily Prompt, Daily Post, DP,http://dailypost.wordpress.com

Who’s the most important person in your life — and how would your day-to-day existence be different without them?

It’s too bad this could not have been asked of me five years ago. The answer would have been my DAD.

Now that we are talking about the present I get worried. I am an oddball. It is not normal to not have several friends in my reality life. I have hundreds of them on WP.

In my real life here in the state of Indiana, the town of Warsaw where I live, I lean heavily on my kids. I have one excellent long-term friend I have been friends from way back. But that still doesn’t answer the question.

Who is the most important person in my life? When I break down the words and pull out the highlights I would have to choose God. He forgives me for every sin. He doesn’t judge my past. He doesn’t criticize my looks. He doesn’t judge me. I can talk to him anytime I wish. I don’t have to use my cell phone or text him. He is always eager to listen and speak to me. I don’t have to phone him and ask if he is busy this coming weekend. I don’t have to dress up or put my make-up on.

I don’t like to actually say it out loud but I will admit the truth. I have talked to God while I am showering or even smoking a cigarette. I have spoken to him when I am angry at life and he doesn’t say I told you so.

He is always there, day or night, good times or bad. When I was left for homeless by my ex, God was the one who stuck by my side and pulled me out of the darkness. He lifted me up with his two arms and cradled me in the curves of his clothing. He wiped my tears with his hair and touched my heart and healed me.

I absolutely don’t know what I would do without him. I swear! To have to depend on me and the world full of deceit and false prophets I would be afraid to leave my house. I am sure I would not have a quarter of the confidence I carry today. If it were not for God I don’t know if I could always be there for Al. It isn’t an easy task taking care of someone with so many medical issues.

So a big thank-you to all my friends for being my confidant, my friend and a big support to me. Thank-you Lezlie for being a friend for so many years. And thank-you God for never leaving me when I have made so many mistakes in my life.

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