Sometimes I feel blue

When I think of you

Not gone very long

I try to stay strong

Sometimes I feel for myself

When projects I love get put on a shelf

Sometimes I feel like I didn’t accomplish much

I see little things here and there and such

I hate feeling this way on certain days

Not certain, unsure, life is funny that way

But then comes a moment, a tiny bell

That reminds me I did some things very well

I have three great kids who make me smile

I’m as proud as can be so  I will stay awhile

The grandchildren complete my family tree

Then I smile as I realize it started with me.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd


Terry’s Thoughts in Poetry

My Facebook page full of my poetry


Here is a photo of my two youngest branches of my family tree, Miss C and Mr. E…..three months apart.








baby Easton and Chloe

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