O Christmas Tree

This morning after breakfast I did my laundry and cleaned my room. My son asked me if I wanted to go to lunch, and of course I did want to go.

We ate at Dairy Queen and I was proud of myself, as I ordered no ice-cream. I saved myself a few hundred calories, I am pretty sure. I come from a family of ice-cream lovers on my father’s side.

When I think back to both sides of the family, I have favorites on each  On my father’s side we could count on every Friday for chili and hotdogs. In the evenings, when I spent the night, I always received the smallest, pastel, plastic, tupperware glass, full of Coke, and a huge bowl of ice-cream, vanilla, with heaps of Hershey chocolate syrup.

On my mom’s side I could always count on warm cherry or black raspberry pie with melting ice-cream on top. So you see why I pat myself on the back for not ordering even a small cup of the creamy, cold stuff at the restaurant.

We went to WalMart after finishing lunch. While they got what they went for, I grabbed a scooter and took off to replace my emergency stash of candy for my Diabetis. I found a Star Wars Christmas ornament for my middle grandson for Christmas. My oldest grandson in this family said he liked Butterfinger candy bars, so I got a package of six miniatures to place in his gift bag.

When we got home, I borrowed one of my son’s Christmas trees and put it in my room. Now I have two in here. It is looking like Christmas in my bedroom.

I want to lastly explain something to you. I am usung a wireless keyboard while on my visit here. There are a lot of shortcuts that I do not know how to use. Evidently, I pushed a key without realizing it. This explains the darker type. I don’t know how to fix it. You may also see more errors in my blogs because I am not on my normal big keyboard, so please try to overlook my mistakes until I get back to my regular computer.

Here is a photo of my tree.


2 thoughts on “O Christmas Tree

  1. Hi, Terry. I think you just put the “Bold” on. If that ever happens to you again, you can hold down the “Ctrl” button, and press the B button at the same time. That can turn it on or off. Or you can highlight everything, and click on the large B that shows up in your WordPress menu when you’re typing.


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