The Best Christmas Gift to Yourself

Everywhere on every  station is talk of ISIS. Does it make you nervous  or do you ignore it? Even on my Facebook  we can change our profile  photos to show support  in bringing  peace.

It isn’t  even just this issue. It is equal  rights. It Is nutrition  in schools ,  children graduating  without proper  education  skills .  Presidential  debates and trying to make the best decision  on information  given to us.

Technology  trying to beat itself  each year by coming out with new   gadgets .  Division of religious  groups, which one is actually  correct. There is pushing children  in education  to the point there is not that much socialization  skills learned, it is more about prepping  the young minds to think college .

It is the television  ads promoting  their products ; trying  to make us believe  we couldn’t  possibly  be happy  in our personal  lives unless we make  a  purchase .

What has happened  to our world?  How much more material  items can we squeeze into our households until we have pushed out the family unit and replaced this with things we can’t  possibly  treasure  for a very  long  period .

How much turmoil ,  fighting, weepimg, begging, wanting, can our country take before the good Lord  shakes his head and throws his arms up in the air, and decides he has had enough .

In my age group  I am sure there are others  who sit back and sigh as we look back at what we thought  were major issues. In my house, we said a dinner prayer. We asked to be excused after eating.

Our homework  was to be done before  playing. We were in bed by nine each school night. We helped clear our plates. We were responsible  for our bedrooms. We had chores and didn’t  expect a reward .  Dad said, “we lived there.”

There wasn’t  a list a mile long of expensive  Christmas  wish lists. We respected  our authorities .  We went to school and if we tried to stay home, we better have a high temperature  or throwing  up. There weren’t  thoughts  about not graduating  in my home.

Now, I   sit here and listen and look around and I  ask myself  how much more. How much more will God tolerate  before the roof caves  in.

Every  intolerant  thing that happens, I  have no choice  but to turn to God and ask him, “help me Lord. Help me to be ready for your arrival.”


6 thoughts on “The Best Christmas Gift to Yourself

  1. Yes my upbringing was like that, and look at parents now, they have hardly any control over the children, even young ones. Parents bend to make it good for the children. Discipline is necessary and the no word needs to be said when appropriate. It didn’t harm us.
    Sad when you hear excuses in the morning when children come late to school and mum says, she didn’t want to get up. We had no choice and were made to get up to be on time.
    It has changed so much, unfortunately.

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  2. Sometimes I look at the world and I think he has already given up on us. Then I see other things and realise he hasn’t. For all the bad we see in the world, we don’t see the good. We don’t see the people who pay for the person behind’s meal in the queue, we don’t see the policeman sitting down with an old couple making them feel wanted again. We don’t see the young people helping out at a shelter because they can. We don’t see the things that would bring a tear of happiness to our eye. The media doesn’t want us to see this, but it is there. There is more good than bad in this world. We just don’t see it so much.

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