Wonderful Friends and Bloggers

I want to thank some more people for sending packages and cards to  Al. When he comes home tomorrow morning all of these goodies will be waiting for him.

I want to thank Sara K. Thank-you for the package. I will let Al open it tomorrow when he comes home.

I want to thank Ute. Ute, you  sent Al the cutest little bear card, and the package? I will let Al open it tomorrow.

I want to thank Ar Neal. Thank- you so much for the card, one for Al and one for me.

I want to thank Christina M. Thank-you so much my friend. A card for Al and a card for me.

I want to thank Marsha A. That card you sent is so original and cute. Al is going to love it when he sees it tomorrow. Thank-you so much.christmas tree

I want to thank Lana S. Lana how kind of you to send Al a card when you have recently lost your husband to this tragic disease. God bless you my friend.winter-scene-christmas-2735689-1024-768.jpgSnowflake-Screen-Saver_1purple candles

I want to thank Cynthia M. I love the advent calendar. Al will enjoy opening each window starting tomorrow. Thank-you very much.

You all are wonderful friends and bloggers. Christmas is closer than we want it to be. Lots of rushing and bustling from now until then.

If anyone else still wants to send him a card please email me at


for the mailing address.

I wish I could give each of you a big hug, I am so appreciative.

A Word of Thanks

I wanted to thank you for the Christmas cards that you sent for Al. He had received one last week and he still holds it like it is a bar of gold. Today he received 4 cards. I am so thrilled for him. I just wish I could reach through the screen and give you a hug. This means the world to me.44

If anyone else would like to consider sending him a card, please email me at


for his address.

I want to thank:

Alastair. Alastair the glitter and little animals are so cute! Thanks so much my friend.  Alastair is a blogger here at WP, and takes wonderful photographs.

Suzjones, from the Land Down Under. Sue is from Australia. Thanks so much Sue

Kathy B. sent the most adorable card with a puppy wearing a red Santa hat. Sue, thank-you so very much. Al loves this card.

Linda S. your card is a blessing. Linda’s husband also has MSA. For her to take time out to send my brother a card means so much. Thank-you Linda.

candy caneswhite-trees-2.jpgM.S.A. coverM.S.A. logo

A Big Thank-you

I want to thank Toni and Lori for sending Al a card. He can’t open them anymore and refuses to break the habit of wearing his glasses at all times, so he can’t read the cards. He has me open them and read them to him and he sits back and smiles. He tells me the same thing every time he gets a card. ” I can’t believe I have all these friends.”

If anyone still wants to send Al a card please email me at; tellmenolies2004@yahoo.com   for his address.

Al's cards 4


Al’s Card Update

I have had a few ask about our address and I have sent the required information. Another blogger suggested a brilliant idea. Since Al is becoming confused and forgetful, sending a small photo of yourself or who ever is sending the card would be fantastic.

I am going to get a poster board and tack up all the cards and hopefully matching picture/photos beside each card.coca-cola-women-advertising-endorser-hilda-clark

Fourth Set of Thank You’s For Al

Greeting Card with Punch Corner Shapes

I can not believe the generosity of so many people that have sent Al get well, and happy cards. You all are so amazing, and have made him smile also! When I see him smile, this automaticlly makes me smile too. Thank you all for your kindness and big hearts.

Today, I want to thank these people who have participated in the “smile” project.




Jeff Broadway

Sandra Callahan

Shirley Simon

Kathy Fehr



Hugs to each of you!!!!!

The Third Bunch Of Thank-Yous For Al’s Cards

English: I took this picture myself.

English: I took this picture myself. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

An example from 1949.

An example from 1949. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I wanted to come to you once again and say a huge thank-you to all who have responded to sending my brother a get well card or any of the other many wonderful cards that have been sent.

He loves them and his eyes got so big today, even after the ordeal at the dentist. He received four cards today, and boy, was he excited!!!!

So a big thank-you today to:






You all get my blessings for helping to make this day brighter for Al. May God bless each of you!