No Need To Question

I am usually a person who needs to know why and when and how long. For the first time in my life, I do not know the ending answers. But, I do have answers in the shapes of not words, but actions. Have you ever spent time asking God for miracles or answers to your problems month after month? You ponder in the back of you mind, how long it will be before this or that prayer is answered. You know that the Bible says prayers are answered. The problem for me, because I am human, I often want the answer that I want to hear. Not the answer that God wants me to hear. Sometimes I know God has given me an answer, and I refuse to believe it, waiting in my fantasy world for one that matches my desire, only to finally be forced to reconcile with the truth. There are even time when a miracle is given, we play the twenty-one question game, trying to dissect it, figure it out. How did this happen, when did I notice it. This is something that to me is a silly, child’s game, with no one winning. I don’t know why I try to figure out the unknown. If God wants me to know every detail, he will show it to me. He just wants me to accept, simply accept, with no questions and with grace and humbleness. A miracle is not to be taken lightly. You can not go to any store in the world and purchase  a miracle. I believe there was a miracle given in our home. I did the common mistake once again. I questioned it. I asked for my bloggers opinions. I did not just simply accept. Last night, Al said that God had spoken to him. He also said that he was dealing with Satan sitting on his shoulder.  I questioned all of this for one reason only. Al is mentally challenged. Was this really coming from me? Did I think that God only gives miracles and gifts to what is considered NORMAL people?  Last night after all was said and done, there came a peace over Al. The tremors, although, are still present, became much lighter, helping the physical body to relax a little. At one point, Al wanted a minister to be here. I believe this was from his fear of the unknown. The actions of having something out of the normal happening to him. This morning, when he woke up, the peace was hovering over his entire body. If you looked very closely and concentrated, you could almost see the glow of the halo over his head protecting him. He smiled at me. Not with that boy-man smile, but a genuine smile, like he had just experienced a wonderful night’s rest, and maybe he did. It is now late afternoon, and there have been no tears. The facial expression has had no frowns or questioning look. He told me I didn’t need to call the  minister. I am not going to question this new attitude, nor try to dissect it. I have had my prayer answered. For as long as it last, God granted my brother the peace that I so longingly have prayed for him to have.

The flower of a geranium opening over a period...

The flower of a geranium opening over a period of about two hours. Consecutive frames are 7 minutes apart. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

41 thoughts on “No Need To Question

  1. I think you haven’t considered what your sharing gives to us… And I can tell you for certain that it has given anyone who reads your blog, hope, peace, faith, humility and compassion. And I think that that is how God works. Thank you for the best gifts in the world–the gifts to make us better human beings with greater humanity.


  2. Terry, I think … this is your work! If then God works through you or not … doesn’t matter for me – it was you that made this happen. We all get our idea , even I … and we get scared – we fear for what ever reason and we want things to change there and then. It happens to me from time to time – and when you know somebody is there .. comfort sets in. Then you come down and the fear is gone – life feels good again. I don’t think we should give God all the credit – because it’s you that drags the heavy load. Sorry, if I upset anyone – I know I’m not upsetting you, Terry. My friend you should take credit for all the good moments.


    • i think you are right. i do carry the load and i do need help. i hope that this new part time caregiver works out. i really need a hair trim!! lol. i am a natural blonde, and i color it darker because now that i m older, it looks like i am dead,lol. light blue eyes and blonde hair and old skin. can u envision it??? lol. i am just so happy that my brother has had peace for the last 36 hours. it is so nice for him… ya my friend………and u never upset me, u know this……


    • I agree with you, viveka. You made this happen, Terry. You draw your strength from God, but you are the one who is doing the heavy lifting. I know I am in awe. I love you, Terry.


      • i love ya too my sweet friend. i don’t know what i would do anymore without you, and Viveka, and Bird and so many others…………life seemed so lonely, or i was so alone, but to know that you are there to pick me up, listen, and on top of all be a friend is more than i could ever wish for


  3. Very honestly and openly expressed emotions that we all fight with at times Terry! I am so happy for you and your brother both and, as you said, receive it with joyous praise for “however long it lasts” for it is a gift to you both! love and hugs, Terri


    • a very special gift indeed. to see him with a real smile makes my heart want to burst open. i don’t ever want it to end, so i m going to bask in it while it remains…..hope u r having a good weekend my friend


    • you had faith in me where i was weak, i had prayed for so long with no answers. with the uplifting words from you and others, i took back my faith and built it up. i am still thanking God tonight for granting my brother this peace. it has been 36 hours thus far. if and when it ends, i will be ever great full for the peace that was within him. thank u JoAnn for sticking be me!


  4. Crying and thankful for the answer to prayer, for the miracle you have right now, and Al has. As a caregiver too, my heart is with you. love and prayers and hugs!


  5. Your reflections, as always, are truly inspirational to place our trust in God, instead of doubts into ourselves and each other. Every moment is truly an opportunity to depend on Him more, and on ourselves less. Thank you for reminding me of this love, this care that God gives, to always take care of us, as His constant promise.

    Hugs and tissues of warmth to you,



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