One Lovely Blog Award

Last night before retiring to my bed, I saw that Blazingtrail had nominated me for this fine award. The name in itself means so much. People think that at one point or another that they read a lovely blog.

I am guilty of not always looking for the small blessings in life, I want to see the big ones. March 6, 2012, was a turning point in my life. I asked God to help me do something in this world that would cause me to bless others, while I remain here at home caring for my brother. I didn’t realize what a beautiful plan the Lord had for me. Not only did he answer my prayer, he has given me many blessings.

As I lay my head on my pillow last night, I took the time to tell God thank-you for his help with my writing. I have made many friends, I have been a comfort to some. I have opened up myself to so many. I have discovered I am worthy of living, and an extra blessing he gives me gives to me are these beautiful awards. It is like the icing on the cake to me.

You are to give credit back to the one who nominated you, plus tell seven things about yourself and also nominate 15 others.

As of right now, I can not think of one thing more to say about me, so I am going to pass on this part, sorry.

For nominations I am going to choose today,





Once again, I want to thank Blazingtrail for this nomination. Make sure to check out her blog page. She is very inspiring. When you read the blogs, you will realize the skies are the limits with  her words. Very uplifting, with dreams, laughter, and fun included.


16 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Pingback: More time off for behavior | Janie's Place

  2. Pingback: One Lovely Blogging Award… About “Me”! « MKG- Memories-Keepsakes-Gifts

  3. Pingback: One Lovely Blog Award « Susartandfood's Blog

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