Daily Prompt;Dear Leader/The Daily Post

If your government (local or national) accomplishes one thing in 2013, what would barrett-banner-839x350you like that to be?

The Daily Post/The Daily Prompt


Being this close to the day the babies got shot, the utmost thing in my mind to change is the gun laws. Why is it so easy to get a gun in anyone’s hands? Why isn’t the strict of strictest background being practiced

In my eyes there are certain humans that should be allowed to have and own guns. Hunters and law officers. Hunters who live off of the land should be entitled to carry a weapon.

Remember the show called Little House on the Prairie? This is a prime example of the type of hunter I am talking about. They follow the rules of God. Loving their God first, their family and their land. They ate from the land, killing their own meat. Because I am partial to the show and have watched it so many times, I wonder if I would even by-pass a permit for this type of hunter, but yet equality needs to be done for all.

Law officers, anyone watching over another human being should be allowed to carry a gun. Policeman, and guards are just a couple of types that are here to protect us.There are guards that watch over our President. There are others who should be sitting in front of our public schools. All should still require to have a very strict background and drug test.

The ones we least suspect today are sometimes the culprit. My mom always told me when I was a little girl that policeman were our friends. I won’t go into any finger-pointing, but I could name a few times when the officer did not represent who he truly was.

If each human asking for permission to own a firearm had to go through extensive training, answer so many questions, bring proof of stability from a chosen doctor, would we need guards sitting in front of our schools?

Maybe, it would depend I guess on the area of the school, but does that really make a difference? Does an inner city versus a small town school make a difference? Can you see that to a person that is mentally ill,or carrying large amounts of anger, they are not thinking of where the school is located?

How are you affected by the school shootings? I mean setting aside the tears and pain, what are your after effects of these random shootings? Do you hesitate to go to the movies or maybe shop at the big shopping malls? Did it enter your head at all, the idea that there could be a person carrying a vengeance shopping less than five feet a way from where you are with your own cart?

Should we dig deeper to the degree of trying to scope out the reasons for brutal murders? Does it really matter now that this latest shooter and his mama are dead to know the motive? Will it bring the children back? How will knowing the background and motive prepare us for this kind of nonsense to not happen again?

Do we think that an ill person has a certain look? Would we recognize him or her if they were walking across the street? Does it have anything to do with their upbringing or maybe the rules that were or were not instilled in their minds? Maybe.

It all boils down in my simple mind back to the purchase of guns. Make the purchase tough. Get that extensive background check. Choose a doctor that is  impartial, that can not be bought to give a statement and physical form to show the person’s mind-set.

What about a chip locator? Chips are placed into every electronic we purchase, could this be of any help if one was placed in a newly made gun or weapon? Maybe we should go so far as to ask the government, that if there are gun owners, they be mandated to have a drug and physical test every six months. It is a high honor to be able to carry a weapon. We want to feel safe in our supermarkets, our schools and local businesses. Do you think this would benefit us?

Hiring guards for schools, making physical assessments and thorough background checks is expensive. Can we the people find the funding for these extras? Compare this extra cost to the life of a child who was just killed by someone who was able to get a hold of a gun so easily. What do you think now of the added cost?

We come together to live in our communities whether in a small country town or a large inner city to live safely fearing no harm, We want to be able to go to our job places, our churches, go on vacations and go shopping without fear of who is standing near us. Please government offices and officers, put aside who is making more money or what tax cuts or increases everyone is getting. Change the laws. Keep America standing proud and tall. Help keep us all safe.

14 thoughts on “Daily Prompt;Dear Leader/The Daily Post

  1. I’m not American, I do not know much about your life, but when I see how easily people in your area can have, weapons, it appeals to me sincerely. And from the outside, if I may, I would say that there may be laws on the port your weapon to change. And especially do not forget that to carry a weapon, does not necessarily protect the assault.
    Have a good day 🙂


  2. On the news today they told that the biggest weapon retailer in USA will no longer sell to private buyers, a step in the right direction. Well done. The Hat of for that decision. And stop violence as entertainment.
    Plus education about what a life is worth has to start at home. What is right or wrong!


      • I enjoyed you view and your post very much – the thing is Terry, there will always be somebody that are willing to sell a weapon to us if we want one. ‘¨
        It’s a combination of many things – but we have to start somewhere and any step to get the guns of the streets is a great step. Or ???


      • Yes I agree. The most important thing to do is first do something. We need to quit talking and start acting, first off with the people voicing their thoughts, and our government listening


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