Picture it & Write/ Ermiliablog

http://ermiliablog.wordpress.comcolored eyepictureitandwrite2copy-1

I didn’t know what I was going to write about when I first looked at this picture. For Picture it & Write we look at the photo given to us and write about it.

Part of the reason we write about it is to expand our imaginations. We also exercise our brain, and I am going to be honest here and state that I love to share what I have written to the hostess of the site.

It is like giving a gift to your child and then watching with excitement as they open it. To see their excitement and be able to share in their squeals of delights is probably one of the biggest high lights of giving gifts.

When I read that this writing exercise has become too big, which is what you dream of when you begin a blogging site such as this, it was with great sadness that I read that some writers  post that are written for this particular exercise will not be shared with the hostess.

This made me sad, so there fore in letting you know that first off, I am so happy for you that your dream of this has become a reality for you, a big congratulations. For not being able to have the time to read each of these makes me sad like the photo you introduced.

22 thoughts on “Picture it & Write/ Ermiliablog

  1. Terry, I love picture …. even if it’s sad because of the tears … but I think tears of happiness are colorful like on this picture. Love you writing around the picture.


      • Terry, how is life treating you … haven’t been active for a while … just felt to go online and see what everybody is up to *smile


      • I am ok. I have been given some news that is pretty upsetting. Hoping by this evening I can blog about it. I have to be able to find the right words to write so I don’t come unglued.
        How are you doing my friend. I think of you so often.


  2. This is a wonderful picture and it conjures many ideas for stories, but alas I too would not be sure if I could share those stories.
    As to your comment above, I hope things are okay and I will be praying for you. Give it to God and let Him fill you with His peace.


  3. I have always loved this Sunday Writing Challenge and their blog too. It takes an exceptional amount of time to read everyone’s entries and I understand that they have become increasingly popular. The good thing with us bloggers is you can guarantee someone (I try) will try to read all entries and comment.
    Keep up the writing prompts Terry – some incredible material delivers itself this way.
    Hope you feel better soon.


      • I agree with Neens. The idea in writing is to share with those who do read. I’ve done my best to read every Picture It & Write entry for 87 Sundays now. It’s hard some weeks, but I make the effort. I sometimes don’t comment on really short ones or on poetry, but I read them all.


  4. I don’t think the artist intended for this picture to be sad at all. It’s called Colour a Moment and it seems bright and cheerful to me. It’s worth taking a trip around her deviantART page to see some of her other work. You’ve got to love her makeup!


      • That’s interesting. On these picture prompts, I almost always pass on my first instinct. I used to worry that I would write the same thing everyone else wrote, but now I do it I think because it forces me to study the picture. Anyway, I hope you took a minute to look at PixieCold’s page. It’s sure to bring smiles.


      • I did have a look at the art. It is colorful for sure but too bright for me. I like homey and antique. I believe that me writing on my first instinct, is all about who I am. Taking no time to consider other options, the whole post will be written from my own view and heart, but hey, this is just how I do it!!!! LOL


  5. Pingback: Picture it & Write/ Ermiliablog | MKG- Memories-Keepsakes-Gifts

  6. Pingback: Picture it & Write, Ermilila | MKG- Memories-Keepsakes-Gifts

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