A Little Sad With A Little Joy

tree nestrhino 2The good things are these two photos I took today. Our cat and a nest I saw in the tree outside.

The other thing I learned today is I am going to be a Grandma again. Wow, I think this will make nine grandkids. Just think I played a part in all of that. I think I should get a jeweled crown for this effort, don’t you think?

The sad thing is Al was out here when I was getting the news. He seemed so excited during supper. Asking me what he would be to the new baby and when it was  going to be here. He was smiling about it all.

After our conversation I changed him and took him to his room for a nap. All of a sudden like usual, he starts crying. I asked him what happened? He says, ” I won’t be here in eight months. I won’t get to see the baby.”

I wrapped him in my arms and gave him a big hug. I said, ” You could be right, but if you are you will see it before any of us.” He got it, he understood and he smiled.

35 thoughts on “A Little Sad With A Little Joy

    • thanks Angie. I wasn’t sure actually what to say. I don’t lie to him but I also don’t know his time to leave to go to heaven, so I thought this was most truthful. Thanks for the comment!!!


    • thanks Brian, another bundle of joy! and I don’t have to get up through the night for feedings. lol!!!! thanks so much for agreeing that I handled the situation with Al alright. hugs!


    • I love hugs. believe it or not I used to be the biggest hater for hugs, but no more. I have softened due to my brother’s illness I think. Thanks for the hug and wonderful comment Paige!


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