#FWF Free Write Friday; Trust



I didn’t have it

I lost it all

When he took my heart

And broke it against the wall


Hush little girl

Don’t say a word

This won’t hurt at all

Nothing will be heard


I swear I will get you

You stupid _____

I don’t know why I married you

You give my finger the itch


Abuse comes in many forms

Age is not a number

The fear I give to you

Will be alive in slumber


Years go by and we grow old

Our bodies turn to rust

The only thing that remains the same

Is the constant lack of trust.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd


19 thoughts on “#FWF Free Write Friday; Trust

  1. I know that one very well. I never had any physical abuse. Well .. not violence. Mental abuse though. That’s what happens when you find a narcissistic sociopath.


      • When I was growing up,
        I swore I would not be my father.
        I am not.
        I swore I would never raise my hand to a woman.
        I did not.
        I swore I would never be nasty to others.
        I have not. (not intentionally)

        Others, unfortunately, do not follow the same code


      • I love your words and I am so proud of who you are today. I am proud that you decided to make the decision to not follow in the path you were taught. Big hugs


  2. Pingback: #FWF Free Write Friday: Trust | MKG- Memories-Keepsakes-Gifts

  3. Pingback: Free Write Friday #37: Trust | catnipoflife

  4. This filled me with so many emotions. Anger, sadness, motivation, inspiration… I relate to your words, this story as abuse does indeed come in many forms.
    Happy to see you, Terry. Always a pleasure.
    Much love to you.


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