The Broken Rose

Her branch pricked him

It pierced his heart

Blood dripping

Love pouring out

As she would

Never allow

Any man to

Get too close

For pain remains

Still alive from

Many years ago

When she let

One soul pick

Her petals

Her beautiful

Tender rose                                                            rose

Now singed

Edges blackened

From hurtful words

Now she stands

Alone with the

Most beautiful

Petals that have

Ever been seen

But too afraid

To love again

And soon she

Will die never

Giving  the chance

To let another

Touch  her beauty.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd



What Would You Do?

What would you do? I have had plenty of sleep and therefore I have plenty of open space to think. If you knew that you were going to cause physical pain by allowing Al to continue to go to Day Program would you let him go? Would you take him out to eat on his good days?

Would you keep him home and bed bound pretty much? Would you consider as I have what that will do to  his emotional state of mind?

While he has been at the Hospice House he had been bedridden. His tremors have slowed down with a new medication. He continues to sweat but not as bad. The doctor says he can’t get the sweating or tremors to stop permanently.

He is considering when sending Al home with some sort of pump for medication. He states that when Al is active he is going to go back to the way he was this past weekend.

I am not able to make a decision because I can see how I would be if I was pretty much stuck to a bed.

To me there is more involved here than his physical state. I can not ignore the fact that he is slipping a way. So what do I do with the time he has remaining. Let him live? Consider his mental capacity that he may not quite understand that he will suffer?

I am rambling on and saying the same thing over, so now I want to read your thoughts please.waterfalls



Whispers in the morning

Dew upon the ground

Leaves standing still

No one around

Hush little baby

Don’t say a word

Sister’s walking softly

Not even a tweet from a bird

As long as you are sleeping

Your pain is resting too

These are the moments I treasure

When you are back to you

And when you wake up brother

I’ll try to do my best

To make your day go quickly

Then you can lay and rest                                                               AnimatedCandleThoughtandPrayers

Hush little baby

Don’t say a word

Sister’s got it covered

Only silence will be heard.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd



#FWF Free Write Friday


Today Kellie has given us permission to just write. To think about what binds us from being the free person we are meant to be.

When I think of this topic and realize my freedom to write what I choose I think of sad things and happy things.

But there is one area in my life that remains a constant shadow. No matter how many posts I write there is one taboo that I write about rarely. I have mentioned this person in the book I am writing called  Parkinson’s Journey.

I think I have written about her indirectly but never addressed her in the way Kellie is asking us to do.

Maybe I can do this. It can’t really harm me, maybe it can heal me or put it to rest, at least. The topic is my half-sister, J for short.

This woman is ten years younger than me. She has been given every opportunity by our parents and still has nothing. Where I am day, she is night. Where I abide by the rules, she slides under the ruler.

Her children have suffered and I am sure somewhere deep inside her she is suffering. When we carry extra baggage for so many years and depend on that to excuse us from our own actions, it is time to let it go.

I have been healing through writing and yet she is still in the same rut doing nothing but spinning her tires. So why does she eat my guts up so bad? Maybe there is some sisterly jealousy. I have to smack myself for even partaking in this as I have nothing to be jealous of.

She has touched spots in my heart of people so dear to me. She has tried so hard to destroy me. Although she has not won, her actions still continue to haunt me today. She has caused Al to be afraid. We do not mention her name in our home.

I want to do what I wish and not be afraid of being arrested. I want to grab a hold of her and shake her good. I want to scream at her, stop what you are doing. Change your values. Look at your kids. Look at your life. How can you deny the fact that your own brother is ill? When Al placed me in a position to have to see you face to face it was one of the hardest things I have done in years. But when I told you to your face that Al wanted you to know that he is sick and he is afraid that he is going to die, you screamed and cursed at me to get out. To leave and never come back. You accused me of being a  liar, trying to start problems. You said Al is not even sick. When your best friend reached out to you last week begging you to call me to let you know of Al’s health today, you told her no,, no way in hell would you make that call.

I swear, I have given you every chance to come to your senses. To see the world straight, as it really is, to not be blind sighted, but you refuse. There will come a time when you will become broken. When you wake up and see Al laying on a white pillow with his Bible in his hands. When you see that all these months I have been telling the truth, there is a part of me that will snicker and leer at you and through you as you weep for your wrong doings. But the Christian woman in me will not allow me to continue to act in this way. If you do fall down and your soul splits open your chest bone. If you are so sorry and sincere I know that I will reach down and help you up. I will help try to do what God would want me to.

But at this moment, sitting here writing this, things have not changed. Things are rotten in Denmark, as they say, and all I can do is pray that you come to your senses sooner than later. Right now I just want to smack the crap out of you, but I won’t. For my own personal sanity, I will not venture your way. I will stay my distance. If you want to know anything about your sister and brother, you will have to be the one who makes that first step. I am tired of trying.



Pressed Against The Glass

fireworks.jpegPressed Against The Glass

I see  your face

Pressed against the glass

And I play  it over and over

Again as I lay here  bleeding

I can not feel my legs

Not even my arms

But my heart can

Feel you laying

Next to me

That last night

We spent together

And now I lay

Out in the open

Waiting for help

Crying out to you

Hoping you can hear

My words through

The stars that shine

Down on me; my love

If I don’t make it back

Please always know

That I loved you

Until my last breath.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd
