Best Moment Award

Mike over at,; has nominated me for the Best Moment Award.Best-Moment-Award

This award makes me feel all warm and cuddly inside. It is a real honor to receive this. Someone, somewhere has read one of my post and now I know that it gave them a “Best Moment” for that time.

I don’t know which post I wrote that gave him the ah-hah moment, but I found my nomination on my post called,

Thank-you so much Mike. I really do appreciate this.


Winners repost this completely with their acceptance speech. This speech may be written or video taped (vlogged)

Winners have the privilege of awarding the next recipients. The re-post should have a new set of people/blogs that are worthy of this award and then you have to tell the new folks that you’ve chosen.

When I started blogging I never knew that there would be a day when I would receive an award. In fact, I hesitated about blogging because I didn’t think anyone would like what I wrote.

I can still remember it so clear. I had prayed for months for something to do that would not only help me, but to help others. I prayed to feel worthy while caring for my brother since my outside world was pretty narrow at the time.

God whispered to me for a few days before I wrote that first word. He is an amazing God. He knew that I needed to do this. My lack of being out in public where other humans walked was replaced by hundreds of good friends. Not just any friends, but friends who had heart and compassion and didn’t judge me.

My writing has helped to heal me. I have been able to speak of things from my past and learn to accept what we wish never happened. I have been guided by many in the right direction when it comes to my brother.  I feel like I have a host of angels watching over me and praying for Al and myself.

I get shivers even now as I sit here and think of the miracles I have received over the past year. What a blessing all of you have been in my life. Thank- you to each and every one .

Please accept fwf-gratitudeone of these beautiful roses as I call your name to step forth and accept your nomination.

Food 4 The Soul 93


sheridegrom – From the literary and legislative trenches. x

The Real Cie


30 thoughts on “Best Moment Award

  1. Congratulations, Terry! I’m glad you start blogging and that I found your blog. It always surprise me how your words flow out of your pen, so spontanious and honest. You’re a fine lady, deserving every award on WordPress 🙂


      • I am sorry to hear that you are the only ones left. I hope your brother’s illness is not life-threatening? Any illness is not good. It is good that you have each other and that you have your friends on WordPress. I am fortunate enough to have met lots of supportive people on here too.


      • unfortunately he won’t get better. He has Parkinson’s Disease. It has now moved into his chest lining and heart. thank you so much for chatting with me. Stop by any time. I appreciate your kindness my friend


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