Mrs. Sparkly’s Ten Commandments Award

I am glad I have my little online community, but I do wish I had some people I could call friends in real life as well. I copied this from my dear friend Anne Sikes. “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.” (2 Cor. 4:7) Sharing the journey through daily thoughts and struggles, examination of Scripture, poetry, music and art.  This is another part of who Anne is.   Anne is one of the nicest people on here I have met. She is real, honest, and shares her life’s journey with me. She has also honored me with this beautiful nomination, Mrs. Sparkly’s Ten Commandments Award. Isn’t the butterfly sitting on the pink rose just beautiful? Thank you Anne for this award.


The rules for this award are that you must answer the following ten questions and nominate ten blogs that you think deserve the award.

1. Describe yourself in seven words.

Honest, shy, humorous, loving, compassionate, middle-aged, short

2. What keeps you up at night?

Fear of the dark

3. Whom would you like to be

Me, but thinner, and taller

4.What are you wearing now


5. What scares you

Not hearing God’s words and losing my brother

6.What are the best and worst things about blogging

Being able to express my thoughts, making and keeping new friends,

No one reading my blogs anymore

7.What was the last website you looked at


8.If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be

To be happy more often

9. Slankets, yes or no

I do not know what slankets mean, so I am going to be safe and say no

10. Tell us something about the person who nominated you

Loving, compassionate, forgiving, intelligent, follower of God

Nominations for:

Thank you once again Anne for thinking of me for this nomination!


43 thoughts on “Mrs. Sparkly’s Ten Commandments Award

  1. Terry, “slankets” are sort of like Snuggies — a blanket with sleeves so to speak. Saw them on Congratulations on your newest award my friend. Sandy


  2. CONGRATULATIONS TERRY, I am honored that you have nominated me for this beautiful award. Catching up right now but will respond shortly. Keep writing your posts inspire and encourage others.



  3. Congratulations, Terry, and than you for nominating my blog.

    Wikipedia’s explanation of a slanket: “A sleeved blanket is a unisex body-length blanket with sleeves usually made of fleece or Vellux material. It is similar in design to a bathrobe that is meant to be worn backwards (i.e., with the opening in the back). The product has been marketed by various brands as the Snuggie, Snuggler, Doojo, Toasty Wrap, and Slanket, with varying sizes, colors and qualities of materials but similar basic design. The “Snuggie” brand itself also became a phenomenon of pop culture, outselling other brands and being referenced or imitated by many comedians or TV shows.”

    But the Urban Dictionary has a few additions that I wouldn’t want to get mixed up with this one.


      • I haven’t had a chance to post my award. I’m in the middle of trying to create a new web site for a book I hope to have available in PDF format later this year. But I will let you know when I post it and my answers.


  4. Don’t put so much pressure on how many are reading. It is about impacting those that DO read.

    Folks will always pass through and in / out.

    I know I’ve come to realize, just write for you and the rest will fall the way it is suppose too. You will touch those you are meant too.


    • i had never looked at it like this. i had one person yesterday tell me she is my biggest fan. this made me feel so special. no one has ever said that to me in the real world. this writing has been able to let parts of me out that were always put away. i am promising myself to relax, and look at it the way u just stated. thank you Tammy


  5. Pingback: FEELING THE LOVE « Francine In Retirement

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