A Little Happiness With My Coffee

Just wanted to share with you, that in my notices today, I was informed that I now have five hundred followers. I wanted to stand up and do the rah rah rah!. Do cartwheels, high-five someone.

Don’t think this is me being a nut, getting overly excited about something so non-important, but to me, personally, it is telling me that I am being accepted by five hundred people. This has always been an issue with me since childhood, acceptance.

Now my writing has brought me full circle, by just being myself. No pretending, no being someone other than myself, and people have accepted. Wow, I am so happy about this. I did it! I have almost 45,000 likes and now this.

Thank you to all who follow, and to everyone for at least stopping by once to read about who I am! I placed the award symbol on my Award page, if anyone would like to visit it.


39 thoughts on “A Little Happiness With My Coffee

  1. Congratulations my friend!!! Sorry I forgot to call you on Saturday :(. Sara had me busy running her around and when we got home, I spaced it. I’ll try to get with you some time this week 🙂 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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