
Today, five years ago, my father died in my arms. Between this and the news of my brother, I may not be on blogging anymore today, so I don’t bring anyone down.

Love you all, big hugs, you are my friends and biggest supporters

Death Valley Sand Dunes

23 thoughts on “Today

    • yesterday sucked. i spent most of the day hours in sadness, then made myself get busy and do something. that helped some. today i am mellow mixed with sadness, but am going to see Al for lunch. i hope he is in good spirits, as I don’t want to be dragged down more


  1. Hugs sweet friend. As you think about today, think of all of us who love you and of the lives you have touched over the years. My thoughts are with you on this sad day. Patty


    • never be sorry my friend. we lead busy lives. that day was very hard, but no back in my right mind and thinking on Al and Christmas and of course mom and dad are never out of my mind, but i cope. hugs


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