The Past 24 hours

Cover of "Separate But Equal"

You may or not noticed that I was not on here yesterday. I started my day off in a good mood. The sun was out and it was above freezing. I had surprised my brother by stopping at a drive-thru and getting us both some lunch.

I think we was definitely surprised as he kept staring at the sack trying to see through it. We went down to the dining room and after getting his food out for him he immediately started to complain of new pains in his leg.

This is the leg that has never been as affected as the other. The nurse walked by us and heard him talking about it. She stopped and told me that he has been complaining about it since Friday. She stated that the pain medication doesn’t seem to be helping with this yet.

It made me feel bad as now the Parkinson’s Disease has decided to hit both legs equally. I felt helpless so I changed the topic to our lunch. He did seem to enjoy it but I could see he was having some issues with swallowing.

I asked him if he had a sore throat and he said he just keeps trying to swallow real hard because something is stuck in there. I knew then that it was the throat muscle due to the PD that was causing the problem.

It makes me sick that although Al can smile and say hi to every staff that goes on, the nasty PD is still moving right along inside his body. It is determined to do its ultimate best to strip all that Al has left.

I only stayed during his lunch time as I had received a message from my son asking if I wanted to ride along to Ft. Wayne with his family. I jumped on that with a yes since I had not been out of the house much since Christmas.

I told Al I would be back on Tuesday and took off. The ride with my son was about forty minutes and I chattered a way all the way up as I had not really interacted with humans for some time.

We went to a flea market and I picked up some little lights for electric candles. You know the ones that have a coating on them and look like a flame? Then I found my brother a Christmas Coke bottle so I grabbed that for him. I will take it tomorrow. We walked around the mall for a while and I could tell I had spent a lot of time in bed. My legs felt a little like jelly as they sort of wobbled through the mall.  We stopped on the way home and ate at Five Guys. It has awesome fresh home-made hamburgers. The fries are so huge in one order the four of us were able to share one large order.

I thanked them for getting me out of the house and then came in and did absolutely nothing. I guess my legs and body were tired from the walking so I rested on my bed, no nap though.

Later that night, much later I found a movie on the GMC channel that caught my eye. I don’t know if you realize it or not but along with writing and antiques as my interest, I also study slavery. I only take one slice out of the whole pie. I study the part where the whites don’t want the slaves to learn. I read and follow how the blacks were not going to let some man keep them from moving forward.

So when this movie came on I started watching it. I was very engrossed in it although my eyes were straining to stay a wake. This movie lasted four hours long. I did it though. I stayed awake until the end.

The movie was called Separate but Equal. It was a movie about segregation and divide. School systems with blacks and whites. The equality in education. I am so for equality. Many have fought hard to get where they are today. Many fight harder and still struggle. Then others don’t need to fight at all and are handed everything with ease.

I won’t go into my own personal opinions as I would be here all day standing and fighting for equality.

Here is some information about the movie. Maybe you would like to see it also.

Separate, But Equal: The Film.

30 thoughts on “The Past 24 hours

  1. glad your son called and got you out for awhile…I can imagine that you were pretty whooped when you got back…after being so sick…but, strength will return more and more evry day…
    Glad you saw Al also…I think he’s a trooper with the pain he suffers… and the way he has handled the nursing home…Best to you both!


  2. Hugs and love (((xx))) so glad you were able to do a little bit for yourself. As for al and the pd I am so sorry he is suffering so and I will continue to pray for him to at least have less pain.God bless my friend!


  3. It hurts to read about Al’s problem and that things are getting tougher and tougher on him. Love to read that you had a great winter day … with you son and his family. *smile Good that you get out of the house – and I will check the movie out … I crave for a hamburger too now. *smile


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