Two Hearts Touched

2010.03.24 - Breakfast

Hiding under the stairs I noticed movement between the slats. I stopped and turned around. Cautiously walking around the frame I saw two whites staring right towards me. I walked slowly towards the direction as I knew it was a person, maybe a child.

I knelt down and as I  came closer to him I saw his arms go up and cover his face as if I was going to hit him. He tried to twist his feet so that he could escape easily. I managed to find an old torn newspaper and made this my seat.

He  quickly  became aware that I was not going to harm him. He and I sat quietly. So close we could touch each other but our bodies remained separate as if an invisible screen was between us.

I observed his clothing as his shivering began to subside. He was in dirty clothes that looked like they had never seen a rock and water. His shoes had holes in them and the souls looked worn.

I bet he is hungry I thought to myself. I took my purse off of my arm and placed it on my lap. The movement startled him and he jumped back. I sat with my fingers resting on the clasp of my purse. Our eyes locked as if we were in a dual gun war. Each waiting for the other to draw first.

I watched his feet as he crept ever so quietly back to his original spot. He let his eyes drop from mine and they wandered down to what I was holding. I asked him, ” Are you hungry child”?

He nodded at me but still did not move. My eyes lowered to my purse and then I looked back at him. My eyes were speaking to him letting him know he was safe with me. I saw his shoulders relax a little and I opened my purse.

Rummaging through it with his eyes never leaving my fingers I found two items. I handed them to him and he quickly took them.  His eyes told me thank-you. The speed of his hands putting the hard candies  in his mouth proved that he was near  starvation.

We sat for a while. He was enjoying the flavor. I looked between the boards of the stairs. Wondering if anyone had noticed us. It was if the streets had parted. Dropping souls that would interfere. Leaving the two of us alone to discover each other.

He finished his candy and I could read his eyes that he wanted more. I dug in my purse but could only find one piece of gum. I handed it to him and he savored it. When the flavor dissolved he swallowed it.

I don’t know how long the two of us had been sitting there. I knew that I was becoming uncomfortable from my sitting position. I stirred and this time he did not move. I got up and decided that I better go. Errands were waiting to be finished.

I looked at him and smiled. He looked up at me and his sad eyes became his face. I started to tell him that I was going to leave. I was going to tell him to go home when he tugged on my dress.

He stood up and I noticed he was just a small child. No taller than three feet. I asked him, ” Where is your mama? Do you live close to here”?

As fists formed he rubbed his eyes and I could see big tears sliding down his cheeks. My heart was breaking. This child had no home. Or had he run a way from home? I bet his parents are looking for him.

I reached down and gave him a  big hug. I wanted to pick him up and take him home with me. But I dare not.  The colors of skin separated us. I leaned down and gave him a kiss on the cheek and he wrapped his little arms around my neck. He would not let go and he almost pulled me back to the ground.

We looked at each other with tears in all eyes. We both knew the rules but our hearts were ripping. I couldn’t do it. I could not let him stay here all alone. I took him by his hand and we stepped out into the light of day.

One of his fingers went into his mouth. Afraid but hope bringing us together. I walked forward and he followed me. We made it safely through the city streets and I saw my home in sight.

I stopped and looked at him. I glanced towards the house. He dropped his finger from his mouth. Neither of us said anything. We walked to the front door. I unlocked it and we both went in.

I took him to the kitchen table and had him sit. I opened my refrigerator and took out some left-overs from the night before. Soon I set a piping hot plate filled with biscuits and fried potatoes. The smell of the hot ham infiltrated his nostrils. When I handed him the fork and spoon  he wasted no time.

I sat across from him watching.  After wards we talked. I asked, “What is your name child”?

“Darrell” he said.

“Do you belong somewhere close to here”?

” I did, but they told me to find another place to eat. Mama said there were too many mouths to feed”.

” Would you like to stay here with me”?  He nodded his head.

I took him by the hand and led him into the bathroom. While he sat on the step-stool I started some bath water. I went to the one room in the house that was not visited often. I walked over to the dresser and pulled clean clothing out. I think these will fit. The two boys are about the same size.

Before leaving the room she walked towards the nightstand and picked up the framed photo. It was her son Tod. Tod had died two years ago from a fever. She hugged the photo to her heart and then rested it back on the stand.

She closed the door softly behind her and went back to the bathroom. She got out clean towels and laid the clothes beside him. He looked at me and I took my cue to leave him to bathe.

That was the first day  of the rest of our lives. Neither of us ever looked back. Today I am sitting in this grand auditorium. I am watching my son graduate. He is going to be a doctor.

Chapter 15

A contemporary white wedding cake decorated wi...

Henry finished in the bathroom. He was listening to some music when he heard the door knocker. He answered it and there stood Jane and her parents. Carol walked in and welcomed them. She showed Jane to the bedroom she would get changed.

Henry and his dad chatted with Jane’s parents and then the preacher arrived. Carol offered them all something to drink while they were waiting for the bride. ” It sure is a good day for the wedding isn’t it”? Reverend Dan asked. “Yes it sure is. It was a perfect day to mow the yard too”. George replied.

Jane was asking for her mother. When Debbie walked in she broke out in a smile. Her daughter looked beautiful. She had a cream-colored taffeta dress on. It was knee-length. Simple and beautiful with a big bow in the back at the waist.

“Help me put my veil on please mom” Jane said. With careful movement the veil was placed. Both ladies looked in the mirror and smiled. ” I hope you will be happy Jane. You have a big road a head of you. Just take one day at a time”. Jane gave her mom a quick hug and stood in front of the mirror as her mother left to let everyone know Jane was ready.

Reverend Dan stood in the middle and each set of parents stood on either side. Henry in his black suit stood tall and handsome waiting for Jane to appear. Music was playing in the background as Jane appeared. She walked over to Henry and stood beside him.

Vows were said and the kiss was given. They were now married. George said,” Well congratulations you two and hope you are as happy as Carol and I have been. Welcome to the family Debbie and Dave”. Everyone shook hands and hugged and then Carol invited them to help themselves to the food she had set out.

Henry and Jane did not know that they were going to have a wedding cake. They had not had the money to purchase one. When they saw it they hugged each other. ” This is one of our gifts to you kids” Carol said. I hope it taste as good as it looks. They all chuckled and filled their plates.

Sitting in the living room Dave asked Henry,” So what are your plans now? Going anywhere special tonight”?

Henry said, ” Yes, I have plans. It is a secret though. I haven’t told Jane where we are going”.

Jane looked at him and asked ” Where are we going? You can tell me now. We are married folks”. Henry laughed and replied, ” You will just have to wait and see.”

Carol said to Henry and Jane, ” If you two want to go ahead and leave it’s all right with us. We will just sit here and visit with our new in-laws”. Henry and Jane looked at each other and agreed and said, ” Sure Mom, I guess we can go ahead and leave. We will see you tomorrow sometime”.

The two went into Henry’s room and gathered a bag together and saying goodbye to everyone and thanks for coming they left.  Carol went back into the kitchen to start cleaning up a little bit. She was running some dish water when Debbie came out and asked, ” Would you like some help? It will give us a chance to get to know each other a little bit better”.

“Sure I don’t mind the help. I am sort of tired. It may have been a small wedding but it was still work. I guess I am just getting old”. The two laughed and did the dishes. Carol asked, ” How long you and Dave been married”?

“Too long some days I think. Some days that man just gets on my nerves so bad. Then other days I don’t know what I would do without him”.

“Yes, I know what you mean. I think all marriages are like that” Carol said.

Henry gave Jane the biggest kiss he ever had. ” Well how does it feel to be married”?

“I don’t know Henry. I have only been married about two hours”. The two laughed and Henry started the car and they took off. He drove to the motel that he had reserved and parked the car. The two walked in and announced they were here for their room.

After filling out the required paper work, the attendant handed Henry the key to the room. The two walked down the long hall until they saw the room number and he unlocked the door. Jane started to walk through and Henry said, ” Wait wait wait. You are not walking in the door”.

He swooped her up in his arms and carried her through the door and sat her on the bed. “There, I did it right. We are officially married now” Henry laughed. He went back out in the hall and grabbed their bag. He put the DO NOT DISTURB card on the door and shut it.

He stood in front of Jane saying nothing. Their eyes spoke to each other. Soon he was helping her off with her clothes. He took his off and the two laid on the bed. No more sneaking around. This time was all theirs. In each others arms. Loving each other like this was the very first time.

Afterwards, they took a shower together and laid down on the bed and held hands and talked about their future. After some time went by they got dressed and checked out the room better.

“Look Henry, at this closet. They have a built-in hair dryer and they even have bags for your dirty laundry. Over here is a television remote. That is so cool. We can stay in bed and switch the channels”.

Henry liked that part. He took the remote and flipped on the television and started going through the channels. ” You hungry Jane? After that wild sex I am getting pretty hungry”.

Jane said, “I am getting hungry. My stomach is growling”. Henry walked over to where she was standing and placed his hand on her belly. ” We don’t want to starve the kid so let’s  go get something to eat”. he replied.


Bullying, Drugs, Guns and Family

Ink pink... Bullies stink!

Ink pink… Bullies stink! (Photo credit:

Roseanne is making some noise in the background while I sit here. The episode that I am listening to perked me up enough to actually let my fingers rest and turn my eyes to the television.

The family is having problems, but when aren’t they? This one is based on a family in the eighties trying to make IT work. Overtime is the issue. Although Dan and Roseanne realize the overtime will help it also trickles over into what to do with the kids. How do we all get fed and who is doing what on the house chores category.

They were all in the kitchen discussing options when Dan realizes Becky  isn’t present. He calls her so she is involved also. That is the point where I was having my own flash backs in my life.

I went back to when I was around the age of 10 up to the age of 15 or so. There were only one set of rules at my house. They were known as the Parent Rules. I had no choices in some matters of the house.

I was expected to babysit my baby sister. I was expected to clean the house. Do the laundry and ironing. I was expected to cook what ever mom had laid out in the morning. It was a known fact that I should never come home with less than a C on my report cards. I would never be called down to the school office or I could expect worse when I got home. My parents picked out the style of clothes I wore. I got to pick the colors.

Bills and finances were never discussed in front of us children. Mom and Dad discussed everything that had to do with our family behind their bedroom doors. I never heard screaming or arguing between the two until I was around 17. This may also be that I was older and more in tune with sounds other than from my record player.

There were no family meetings. Where we ate or went in the car was always my parents decisions. We just went along with no questions asked. Our family was not run like a tight ship but it was not an open family either. We were good kids and we had good parents.

But seeing this show helps me see  how much life and families have changed. I remember somewhere in the eighties kids were no longer considered kids to parents. They had a new title called friends. Parents were wanting to be friends with their off spring instead of the leader and tour guide.

I wonder what I would have thought if my parents called us kids in for a family meeting. Maybe it was the yearly house insurance bill that was coming due. Would they ask us to give up something in order for them to make that big bill? What would we think? Would we understand?

My parents figured out everything. I grew up thinking that our family was above others. We had no problems. We had no money issues. We lived in a very nice home. We went to church every Sunday.

There were no classes in high school in my day that taught budgeting or finances. Nothing to teach me about saving for an apartment. How to pay the utility bills. Was having a phone a luxury? Or was having enough food to buy groceries more important?

I learned a lot through many mistakes how to make money and time work for myself when I left the family nest. Would I have gotten married later than sooner if I knew more about how life worked? I don’t know and it doesn’t matter now. None of us can go back and change what has already been done.

So I am asking you these questions. Do you think it is better to be more involved as a youth in family matters concerning money? Should kids be able to see that money can be a juggling act? Or should kids be kept hidden like we were? Last question is should parents be the tour guide or the friend?

That last question always makes me ponder. I look at the troubled teens today. Many are brought up to raise themselves. The drug issue is definitely bigger than it was in my day. I am not saying there wasn’t a drug issue then. It is bigger and many more types of drugs now than ever. Easy access seems to be a big issue.

Where do these kids get all the money to buy these drugs and even the guns? Were drugs discussed in the home? Were gun dangers taught at home? I never knew about guns really. I knew they were used for hunting. Drugs were for medical illness.

When I was 17 I learned the most about illegal drugs when a student in my graduating class overdosed and died. Anything else I learned was from head line news or people talking. Along with drugs and guns is now a bigger issue than ever, bullying.

So in closing of my thoughts what should be taught at home versus our schools and friends?