Mother hysteria: The curious case of the caught nipple

Reblogged from Sarsm’s Blog:

Reini’s evening started something like this:

His one and only son called him at work and announced, “There’s been an accident… In the kitchen… With the mixing machine… And Mum…”

I should probably admit to you, at this…

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Let Us

Fear terror eye

Hiding within

Afraid to look out

Fearful of thy tongue

Scared to speak

Wronged of all doing

Fingers point at me

Always the first suspect

Why bother trying to explain

I have already been hung

One pebble in the sand

Trying to fight for everyone

No title on my shirt

Am I without a brain

Cold and non caring

Are whom  I find that stand

With hands held out

Waiting for all you have

Some days I want to die

And I ask myself why bother

I can never win the game

I am but a pebble in the sand

One lonely grain among others

I look like him or her over there

I do not stand out

I don’t have much fight left

Please leave us alone

Let life carry us through

What have we ever done

To make your eyes so cold

Have we met somewhere before

Do you know me from my past

Please let us who are different

Take stand and be noticed

Let us show our tears

Let us show our fears

Let us feel love as you do

Let us.

Terry Shepherd


too funny

Sarsm's Blog

Reini’s evening started something like this:

His one and only son called him at work and announced, “There’s been an accident… In the kitchen… With the mixing machine… And Mum…”

I should probably admit to you, at this point, that we have recently been playing rather a lot of Cluedo.


I’ve just risen out of a calming bath (despite at least two children being in the room at any one time, babbling) and looking down at my naked body I can see a few tell-tale signs of the week gone by.

For instance, my lower right leg champions five, yes five, bruises. All attained crawling through tunnels and up and down ladders at Sensapolis (I am still completing my challenges ) on Sunday. There are probably a fair few lumps and bumps on my head too because if I wasn’t bashing my right leg then I was beating my…

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