A Day With Snow And Al

I went to see Al today since the roads are cleared of snow. Where I live the paths are total slush. It makes driving a bit difficult when you are in nothing but mush.

I took a photo of a cute snowman that some kids built in the neighborhood. I also took some more snow pics, just for my memories when it is summer; all hot and humid.

Al was in his wheelchair trying real hard to make it go. The facility is letting him use a different one that is much lighter in weight and a tad bigger, but Al was not able to make his legs do what he wanted.

I know the rules. Let Al do his own pushing. Back off woman! But for today, when I saw the tears because he was stuck in his room and thought he may not get any lunch, I cheated. I had baked him some cookies but he seemed to have no interest in these. It may because he was so concentrated on making the wheels go round and round.

I placed the cookie bag on his bed, took my coat off and whizzed him out of his room. Reaching the dining room and getting him positioned correctly, I waited with him until his food tray arrived.

Al now is using a divided plate with three sections. Also straws have been added in with strict supervision because of not being able to release the straw from his lips. He struggles very much with lifting those cups to his mouth.

His plate arrived and I didn’t say anything when I saw one divider had about three-fourths cup of lasagna. The server poured his routine water, apple juice and hot chocolate. Al looked up at the lady and asked, “Have I been bad?”

The lady laughs and says,”No why?”

“Because I don’t have any food”. Alright Al said it first, so I gave my two cents. ” Don’t you think they skimmed a little on  his meal? I could eat that in three bites. Couldn’t he have a vegetable of some kind to go along with this?”

She replies,”He gets tapioca pudding too”. I pushed a little more making my case and found out spinach and lasagna didn’t sound good to Al, so I looked around at other people eating and saw they had garlic bread. In the end Al got a slice of garlic bread added. His plate looked at least more balanced now.

His tremors were in double speed today and he could neither cut his food and no matter how hard he tried to get that spoon to his mouth, it wasn’t working. I asked him, “Do you want some help bud?” and he nodded yes.

I basically fed him his lunch and he ate the pudding by himself. I helped a little with the lifting of cups but he did the drinking and finally the pain pill must have kicked in because he was able to drink by himself. All through the meal he kept repeating himself. “Oh my legs hurts, oh my legs hurts”.

After lunch was over I pushed him back to his room and within minutes the lady came to take him to his outing. She had commented that they were going to his favorite store where there is coca cola but changed her mind when she saw how difficult of time Al was having. I think they ended up going to the day program for his time out today.

I am glad because his friends are there and he will get his bottle of diet coke. Maybe this will help ease his mind about his pain, even for a couple of hours would be a blessing to me.

Here are the photos I captured on my route and with Al.

snowmanblue skiesclouds and snowal eating

15 thoughts on “A Day With Snow And Al

  1. You sure got lots of snow, Terry, and still it didn’t keep you from visiting Al, I am sure he loved you with him. You are such a wonderful sister. With love Ute x


  2. great snow photos…YOU GOT SOME SNOW!…we haven’t had any except for an inch maybe…Al looks good…if no veggies…double up on the lasagna I say…but, who are we???huh… You are the best!…even the snow didn’t keep you in…


  3. I like the photo’s, but I don’t like snow, not if I have to go out. I’m still waiting for the sun to shine, they promised, but it’s only raining in this country, like usual 😦
    I’m so sorry Al has so much pain in his legs. I wish I could do something for him. Have a nice weekend my friend 🙂


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