A Day With Snow And Al

I went to see Al today since the roads are cleared of snow. Where I live the paths are total slush. It makes driving a bit difficult when you are in nothing but mush.

I took a photo of a cute snowman that some kids built in the neighborhood. I also took some more snow pics, just for my memories when it is summer; all hot and humid.

Al was in his wheelchair trying real hard to make it go. The facility is letting him use a different one that is much lighter in weight and a tad bigger, but Al was not able to make his legs do what he wanted.

I know the rules. Let Al do his own pushing. Back off woman! But for today, when I saw the tears because he was stuck in his room and thought he may not get any lunch, I cheated. I had baked him some cookies but he seemed to have no interest in these. It may because he was so concentrated on making the wheels go round and round.

I placed the cookie bag on his bed, took my coat off and whizzed him out of his room. Reaching the dining room and getting him positioned correctly, I waited with him until his food tray arrived.

Al now is using a divided plate with three sections. Also straws have been added in with strict supervision because of not being able to release the straw from his lips. He struggles very much with lifting those cups to his mouth.

His plate arrived and I didn’t say anything when I saw one divider had about three-fourths cup of lasagna. The server poured his routine water, apple juice and hot chocolate. Al looked up at the lady and asked, “Have I been bad?”

The lady laughs and says,”No why?”

“Because I don’t have any food”. Alright Al said it first, so I gave my two cents. ” Don’t you think they skimmed a little on  his meal? I could eat that in three bites. Couldn’t he have a vegetable of some kind to go along with this?”

She replies,”He gets tapioca pudding too”. I pushed a little more making my case and found out spinach and lasagna didn’t sound good to Al, so I looked around at other people eating and saw they had garlic bread. In the end Al got a slice of garlic bread added. His plate looked at least more balanced now.

His tremors were in double speed today and he could neither cut his food and no matter how hard he tried to get that spoon to his mouth, it wasn’t working. I asked him, “Do you want some help bud?” and he nodded yes.

I basically fed him his lunch and he ate the pudding by himself. I helped a little with the lifting of cups but he did the drinking and finally the pain pill must have kicked in because he was able to drink by himself. All through the meal he kept repeating himself. “Oh my legs hurts, oh my legs hurts”.

After lunch was over I pushed him back to his room and within minutes the lady came to take him to his outing. She had commented that they were going to his favorite store where there is coca cola but changed her mind when she saw how difficult of time Al was having. I think they ended up going to the day program for his time out today.

I am glad because his friends are there and he will get his bottle of diet coke. Maybe this will help ease his mind about his pain, even for a couple of hours would be a blessing to me.

Here are the photos I captured on my route and with Al.

snowmanblue skiesclouds and snowal eating

My Release

Except for one day last week when I made a quick run to the gas station for bread and eggs today I got out. Yeah! Fresh air. I breathed in deeply letting the crisp air come into me. There was plenty of sun and it was a high of 32.

It felt like the best medicine I have had in two weeks. The first thing I saw when I went outside of my house was a black squirrel looking for food. I went back in and grabbed a hand of peanuts and tossed them at him. He didn’t run away. I think he is getting used to my hand throws.

The next thing I observed was a bird. Yes it sure was. I stopped dead in my tracks and listened. It was a Spring bird. Yes Spring keep on coming!

Oh how I love the smell of Spring

When all becomes so new

A bird does sing the sun does shine

And takes away the winter blues.

Terry Shepherd

I had made some pumpkin bars and a chocolate cake. Why? I don’t know, something to do. Something to take to Al today. I cheated and had a nibble here and there through-out the evening.

Today I grabbed my plate with the goodies and headed straight for the nursing home. I didn’t let Al know I was coming ahead of time, in case my planned visit backfired with my health.

When I walked in it was lunch time and I spotted him immediately in the hall. It brought back memories of his Parkinson’s Disease as I watched him trying to stand. He had gotten his walker out into the hall and then his knees buckled and he was frozen in his motion.

It was a long hall so I was able to observe the whole movie clip. A nurse aid was holding the walker so he could sit down but his legs would not bend. They worked together and finally he was seated. I arrived just as the nurse was giving him one of his pain pills.

Finally his legs kicked in and bent over he walked down to the dining room with me by his side. We sat at his table and he ordered his food. He chose a chicken sandwich, mashed potatoes and peppermint ice-cream. Drinks were ice water, juice and hot chocolate.

It took him a half an hour to eat his lunch. He said it still feels like something is stuck in his throat but that the mechanical soft diet was helping. I did see him struggle quite a bit trying to get the two-handled cups to his lips. I don’t know how to help with this so if anyone has any ideas, let me know. He can pick up the cups with both hands but lifting them to his lips seems to be very difficult to him. Then tipping the cup up enough to get the liquid in his mouth was worse. Straws have already been taken a way from him as he can’t release the straw from his lips, so this idea is out.

I saw that at least for today his tremors were in full swing. Several times he would be trying to take a bite of his sandwich and the tremors would shake the bun so badly, that it crumbled down his lap and onto the floor. He at least got the protein though, but I felt so bad for him but said nothing.

We talked about everything I could think of. I noticed that he barely blinks. Everything he said to me was in a complete stare. I tried when I got home to sit still without staring and I could not do nearly as long as he could.

He was in a pretty good mood which I was thankful for. There were no tears. He was going to be going out with the providers that help him to get out of the facility for a while two times a week and I am sure that helped his mood. He was going to the one store that he loves that sells coke vintage items. Then they were going to the Dairy Queen where I had given him a bogo coupon for blizzards.

I talked to him as long as I could and then helped him to get his coat on so he could take off. I waved good-bye and swallowed the lump in my throat as I watched my baby brother leaving.

I stopped at the grocery store for some groceries. I didn’t want to stay long because I was beginning to feel worn out. I had been in there about five minutes when all of a sudden I felt like I was going to pass out. Then I got sweaty and shaky. Oh no, not now. I knew then it was my sugar levels. They had become too low. I frantically looked through my purse and found a bite size Hershey bar so I popped that into my mouth and then just prayed that I could get through the store and home. God answered. I walked faster and did make it home and immediately ate.

All in all it was a good day. A sure sign of Spring through the birds. Sunshine and seeing Al. Replenishing my cupboards. It all made my day.alvin at facilityal at facility

Photo of Western Blue Bird by CALIBAS, LIVERMO...

Cabbage Versus Spinach Salad

Spinach Salad

Spinach Salad

Last night I wrote a little story

About my supper how it was gory

I put it in the fridge that night

I knew I would eat and not waste this delight

I got up this morning and made my drink

Coffee with cream , they definitely link

I got in the fridge to get the milk

There sat the crap that I had built

The smell was overpowering me

I put my head between my knees

I got the milk and shut the door

I didn’t want to smell that anymore

When lunch time came and it was time

I got out the bowl  but it seemed a crime

I ran the water and dumped the bowl

Down the little garbage hole

Instead I got out the spinach leaves

Cut up tomatoes and some cheese

Added some dressing and spices too

This was my new lunch and I bid ado

Terry Shepherd


Proud Peacock


Friday I went to see Al and he knew that I was going to be taking him out to lunch. I wasn’t sure what we were in for, because sometimes when I pick him up his legs hurt so much, we eat and then I take him back.

Today was different. When I picked him up, we went to his favorite eating spot. He talked to everyone he knew and even ones he didn’t. It still bothers me that some people try to brush him off, thinking how different he is. You know, we were taught to not talk to strangers when we were young. I don’t say anything, and I just let it go, but sit  back and watch how the uncomfortable strangers wiggles his distance from my brother. It makes me a little sad, but I know I am partial.

He ate very well and he was in pain, but he was choosing today, to over look it. Why? because he saw that a local chain store had hot wheel cars on sale. We went to that store next, and then he even asked to go to another store after that. He walked very slow, but he was steady. He had a good time, I am pretty sure.

I did not visit on Saturday, but yesterday, I did go to see him. I took him a meal deal from a drive-thru and when I popped in his room, he seemed a little down. I was almost wishing I would not have brought the food, but then he made a comment about what was in the bag.

He got up out of his recliner and we made our way down to the dining room. I sat beside him and pulled all the goodies out of the bag. We went ahead and ate our lunch, even though it was about twenty minutes too early for lunch.

As we were eating, the dining hostess stopped by to ask him for his menu choice. I didn’t think he would order anything since I had brought him a complete meal, but to my surprise he said, ” Did you know that this is my sister? She is my biological sister. We have another sister, but she isn’t very nice”. The hostess laughed and then Al said, ” This is really my sister! I am going to order a piece of cherry pie, and could you put some of that ice-cream on top of it? My sister is eating lunch with me. I want her to have some too”.

When the hostess left, I said, ” The food is for you bud, not for me. Are you sure you can eat all of this”? He shook his head yes. In about five minutes, the hostess came back with not one piece of pie but two. I made a comment that she didn’t need to do this, but she said, “He wants you to have it, and we try to please our patients”. I thanked her and Al smiled at me like a proud peacock.

When his eating mates came in and others stopped by, he repeated the entire story about who I was and that he had a half-sister who wasn’t very nice. He beamed during our visit. I could see the love for me through each of his words. I was a proud sister. I knew at that moment, that although I miss him terribly here at home, I had made the right decision for him. We are closer now than we ever were. The stress isn’t there when I visit. We talk, actually communicate with each other. He tells me his aches and pains. He tells me who comes in and what he won at bingo. We had a great time, and by the way, he did eat his whole meal plus his pie and part of mine. Geesh, I wonder, Will he have any room for supper?


A Japanese elementary school lunch. Spaghetti,...

I went to see Al today. I arrived during his lunch time, so I sat with him while he ate. No one said anything, but it was hard not to notice, that half of his food was on the outside of his mouth. It seemed like the tremors and the aim of judgement was off a little. He did feel it though and wiped his face off.

He was talking to his lunch mate and he was in a pretty good mood. He had eaten quite a bit in my opinion, but a strange combination also. He had the meatballs from spaghetti, no spaghetti, probably because of choking. He also had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich,  plus a grilled cheese sandwich and vanilla ice-cream, chocolate milk, white milk, and water. Wow, what a big lunch, and believe me, he ate every bite, and even wiped up the crumbs!

He told me again the story about how he can not go have therapy again, but he did wander into the therapy room this morning, and the therapist said that he could come in and visit anytime he wished. I thought I better check to make sure this was alright, and so I popped my head in and talked to them about what Al had said, and they said yes, he can come in anytime, because his legs are swollen.

They want him to keep his legs up in his recliner, and the nursing staff wants him to walk as much as possible. How do we make both departments happy? I don’t know and hope that they get it worked out.

His heart is being affected, so this is the reason for the swelling, and if you keep your legs down too much, they will swell even more. Al felt better knowing he could go in for help, and so I saw a few more smiles than the day before, which I am trying to forget.

He is going to play bingo tonight and he was looking forward to winning more snacks. He found out that the facility bus takes certain patients out to Wal-Mart once a month, so he is hoping he is going to be able to go the next time the trip is offered.

All in all, it was a good visit. No tears, more chatter. Even with the seriousness of the leg swelling, I was able to put that on the back burner. Some things we can not change.

Continuing Story Part 8

The next Dahlia woke up to darkness. She sat there blinking her eyes, but no shadow came into play. She tried crawling out of bed to get her robe on and tripped over her slippers. This caused a loud noise, which brought the teacher directly from her bed to Dahlia’s bedroom.

The teacher knelt over and helped pick her up and sat her down on the bed and checked her out for any cuts or blood. After seeing nothing, the teacher asked  what had happened, had she fallen, and Dahlia burst into tears, saying she could not see.

The teacher laid her down in her bed, and told her she would be back, that she  was going to go call the doctor, and told her to please lie still and try not to get out of bed. The teacher could be heard going through the house, sounding like fast running horses.

In mid morning, the doctor came over with his special tools and checked Dahlia’s eyes out, and found that a few of her blood vessels had broken in both eyes, and there was no way to fix this. She was blind. Dahlia broke out in wails and the teacher came to her side and put her arm around her and tried to comfort her, but it did not work. She told Dahlia that she was going to walk the doctor to the door, and that she would be back in a few minutes.

On the way to the door to let him out, she asked him if there was something that could be done and he shook his head no. There was no fixing the already damaged vessels. She thanked him for coming and he told her if they needed him, just to let him know.

Teacher walked back to the bedroom where Dahlia was still sobbing and sat down in the rocker across from the bed in silence. All that could be heard in the room was gasping and cries. The teacher felt helpless and didn’t know what to say or do, but she knew that they had to move forth in their lives.

She stood up and told Dahlia that she was going to go prepare them some breakfast, and they would talk when she got back to the room. Dahlia told her she didn’t want any breakfast and that she wanted to be left alone.

The teacher walked out of the room, ignoring the request, and went to the kitchen and started breakfast. Two hard-boiled eggs, fresh fruit, toast with jelly and hot tea. She brought the tray back to Dahlia’s room and rested it on her dresser. Dahlia did not move towards her, in fact, she rolled over the other direction and pulled the covers up over her head.

The teacher said that they must eat, that they neither would be able to think clearly about what to do with this new information if they didn’t have nourishment. She took the blankets back and helped her sit up in her bed, and then brought a small table over and placed her breakfast on the table. She took Dahlia’s hands and helped her feel where each food and silver ware was, showed her where the cup was placed. There was no sound, so teacher went back to the rocker and balancing her breakfast on her lap, she began to eat and think about what their next move was.

She had her first bite swallowed and all of a sudden a loud crash was heard, and food was splattered everywhere. On the bed, the floor, and her bed-clothes. Dahlia laid back down and covered herself back up, and said to the teacher, go away, leave me alone.

The teacher continued to eat, ignoring the outburst from Dahlia, and when she finished she took her tray down along with the broken dish pieces, and then brought back a mop and bucket and cleaned up the floor.

She left Dahlia alone, to tend to her grieving and did not offer to help clean her clothing or bed up. In the teacher’s mind this was bad, but she knew of people who had life much worse, and they would work around this. To Dahlia, life was over. Her dreams had vanished along with her sight. Dahlia went deep into herself, never wanting to live again.

The teacher checked in on her periodically to see if she was alright, but for the fact of only getting up to  use the restroom, she never left her bed. Meanwhile, the teacher made a trip to the school and explained the absence of the past day of why Dahlia was not in school.

The school personal called her into a small quiet room and had her wait here. Within a few moments two other personal came in to the room and they all sat at the table. They stated what a fine girl Dahlia was, and that she worked hard and had outstanding grades, but, there was no special equipment here at the school for someone who was blind. They hated to excuse her from this school, they hated seeing her go, but they had no choice. They dropped Dahlia from the classes.

The teacher sat there with tears flowing down her cheeks. Her own visions of this beautiful girl not being able to dance and teach had been broken also. She held out her hand to shake and tell her good-byes. They went to where Dahlia’s books were kept and gathered them up and they all walked to the front door, letting the teacher out and the door closing softly behind them. This was it, it was over. So hard to get into school, and so easy to be let go. How could this happen, and what could be done about it. These were all thoughts that were racing around in her head, on her walk home to a student that refused to get out of bed, thinking that her life was totally over.

English: Line art drawing of a dahlia.

English: Line art drawing of a dahlia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

My Continuing Story Part 6

201202 11 Dance move

The days turned into weeks and Dahlia was receiving top grades in school and she had made a couple of friends, but mainly she spent her time in school, or studying or in the gym.

She loved the gym. She spent many Saturdays in here exercising and working on the dance moves she learned through the class. A few of the girls in her other classes seemed to be forming a Saturday group, as they all met up weekly.  After their practices were over, they would all walk over to the little cafe and have lunch together and this was something Dahlia looked forward to. Laughter and talk, was a nice way to get a break from having your nose in the books.

One Saturday, the girls were all found practicing their dance moves, and then a hard thump was heard. They all turned their heads at the same time to see Dahlia laying on the gym floor. They all went to her at the same time, calling her name and patting her face, asking her if she was alright. It took a few moments, but Dahlia slowly did open her eyes. She seemed a little dazed at first, wondering where she was, but soon it went away and she sat up with help of her classmates. The girls asked her what had happened, had she had breakfast, was she feeling over heated, was she feeling ill?

Dahlia explained that she felt alright, but she had felt a bit dizzy and saw the room spinning and could not hold herself up. The friends decided to call it a day on the practice, and skip the lunch. They all walked Dahlia home and told the teacher what had happened.

The teacher sat and listened to what the girls were explaining, and then stood up and felt Dahlia’s forehead, but it was not warm. She looked in to her eyes but saw nothing out of the ordinary. In the end teacher felt Dahlia had just worked too hard and needed to rest.

The girls all wished her to feel better and then left to go on their way. Dahlia went to her room and lay down on her bed to rest, but soon there was a knock on her door, and upon Dahlia’s words of enter, the teacher brought in a cup of soup and some hot tea.

While Dahlia ate her lunch, teacher talked mindlessly about nothing. At the back of her mind though were wandering thoughts about why Dahlia had passed out. She was going to keep a better eye on her, and see if she saw any symptoms.

After her lunch was finished, teacher took the lunch tray and told Dahlia to rest and left, closing the door behind her. Once again, she lay her head on her pillow and was soon asleep. She slept for most of the afternoon, and the sun coming over her window, woke her up. She went in to her bathroom and checked her hair, placing a few hairs back into their proper place. She then walked into the living room, ,where she found the teacher hanging up the telephone.

She turned to Dahlia and explained that she had just said good-bye to the town doctor, and that she had explained what had happened to her at her practice. The doctor had recommended that if this happened again, that she was to go to the office for a check-up.

Dahlia nodded her head but hoped nothing would happen again. Sunday morning found both ladies sitting on the wooden pews at church. They stood to sing hymns, but Dahlia could not see the words too well, they were blurry, and if it weren’t for the fact that she knew them by heart, she would have been found to having no lips moving while the others were singing.

The teacher took notice of this and after church was over, and they were walking home, she stopped Dahlia and took her by the shoulders, turned her so they were face to face. She told her that they needed to visit the doctor tomorrow. Dahlia gently refused, saying she had school, but the teacher refused her plea, and said as soon as the school day was over, they would go then, and Dahlia agreed.

The two didn’t have any church activities that afternoon, so they continued their walk home, and had a light lunch of finger sandwiches, potato salad, hot tea and cookies for dessert. Each of them spent time that day in their own spaces, attending to what ever needed to be done.

There was a knock at the front door late afternoon, and when it was opened, there stood the doctor. He had been over in this area visiting church members and thought he would drop in. He was welcomed in and they all sat in the living room. The three chatted for a while, and then the doctor asked Dahlia if he could give her a quick examination. He explained that if he became aware of anything, that she could come on in tomorrow for a thorough exam.

The teacher excused herself, and the doctor looked at Dahlia’s eyes, and throat. He listened to her heart. He listened to her lungs, and checked her temperature and pulse. He then went back to examine her eyes once again, and used his small, bright light to look deep in her eyes.

After finishing this quick exam, the doctor asked her if she had been feeling any headaches lately, and she admitted she had a couple here and there, and she pointed to where the head hurt, which was on each side of the temples. She went further to explain, that she studies quite a bit, and she just knew that all of her symptoms were caused from an over load on her eyes, causing the strain and pain.

The doctor nodded, listening to what she had to say, but thought best if she came in to his office tomorrow, for a better examination. He said he had a special room set aside for eyes, and that with the use of a dark room and his technical tools, the two could get a better look. Dahlia agreed to go, as soon as school was over.

The Seed

Apple pie

Apple pie (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

She had been left the land to carry after her husband was killed at war. He had been serving his country and news was carried to her that he wad dead, shot by the enemy. Here she was, a young mother, with two children, a farm to run, and very little experience.

Sophie stood outside on her porch and gazed across the fields wondering how she was ever going to do this. Her husband had always been a farmer, and up until the time, he had been drafted, they had bought and worked the farm together.

The two children, Lizzie, and Teddy came out of the house to be with their mommy. She walked over to the porch swing and sat, and the two kids followed her, and together they swung, while she thought her next move.

She knew she needed help. She couldn’t do this alone and take care of her babies too. She got up from the swing and went into the house, tidied herself up and then went to the barn and got out the wagon. After all were safely seated, they made their journey into town, the goal, to find someone to hire to help around the farm with crops, and repairs.

As they pulled into town, she saw several men and women standing in front of the general store. She pulled up a few yards from them, and lowering Lizzie and Teddy to the ground, they walked over to the crowd, to find out what was going on.

To her surprise, the meeting was about herself. When the crowd noticed her they welcomed her with handshakes and hugs. They told her they were not going to let her go this alone, that they were there to support her and to help her.

Sophie was speechless and in reply, started hugging each one and crying from joy. While the different children from the group played near by, plans were made by the adults as to which ones were available to help, and what time they would all meet at her farm.

As the meeting adjourned, the circle of friends disappeared, and they all went their own way. The next morning, promptly as planned, several men and a few women folk, showed up at her door ready to work. Some went straight to the land, and started plowing, and the others went to the barn and small buildings to work on repairs. The women folk stayed behind and helped Sophie with window washing and laundry, and spring cleaning.

One farmer, who had been in the field, came up near the house, and was getting a drink from the well. Sophie noticed him. He was different from the others. More quiet and staying to himself, just doing his work. Upon his leaving to go back to work, she asked the ladies if they knew who he was.

Sophie discovered that he was actually one of her neighbors a mile down the road. He had bought the old Miller farm, and was fixing it up, and had plans on settling down and raising a family here.

Lunch time came, and the dinner bell was sounded. All gathered around and said a prayer of thanks for the food they were about to eat. It was much-needed sounds she was listening to. Laughter, kids running and playing. The food was hitting the spot too. There was ham, and cold chicken, potato salad, and cherry and apple pies for desserts.

Everything cleaned up, they each went back to their work, and before Sophie realized it the day had slipped by. One by one, each went home to their homes. The one left behind to leave last, was her neighbor, and she asked him if he would care to stay for supper.

He nodded with a yes, and went to the rain barrel to wash his face and hands. While Sophie prepared supper, he played with the kids. This became a common thing, to see this picture each evening. Comfort was being felt, and a new love was blossoming within these four walls.

The repairs had been done, and the house was dirt-free, and the seeds had been planted both inside and out, seeds of love of the land and each other.

Opposite Paths


Books (Photo credit: henry…)

He bumped into her knocking her down. Books flying everywhere. Loose papers going in all directions. She bent down to pick them up, cursing him to herself, as she knew this was going to make her late to class. She could hear him apologizing to her, but she was ignoring him, scrambling to pick up everything. He bent down to help her, and soon, they had everything neatly back in her hands. He looked straight into her eye, and said with a sincere voice, that he was so sorry. She said ya ya, I gotta go. She breezed by him, leaving him standing there watching her go, then turned around and went to his own class. She entered her class room, all eyes fell upon her, as they were all seated. A stern look from the teacher, told her to go silently to her seat. He found his seat, and as the teacher said open your books to page number 105, his mind drifted back to the incident in the hallway. He felt like a fool. She was so beautiful, with her long, blonde hair. Her eyes were the color of the sky. The teacher came by his desk and smacked  his hand on his desk. I asked you a question. Wake up! He came back to reality, hearing snickering around him, as he had been caught daydreaming. After class was over, it was lunch time. He went to his locker and got out his brown bag, and proceeded to outside under the big oak tree. He sat down, using the trunk as his back support, and ate his lunch that his mom had packed. He then pulled out his paper back book. It was a book about how to become more confidant in yourself. He was pretty engrossed in it, so he didn’t notice the shadow standing over him until he heard someone clearing their throat. She was staring at his book, and trying to read the title. I heard her say, do you always sit out here alone? He said yes, I like to have time to myself after going from class to class. It clears my head. She walked on by. He watched her get into her red sports car and take off. He shrugged his shoulders, and sighed, and went back to his reading. A couple of days went by and classes went as normal. She found him at his favorite spot, under the tree, reading. She walked up to him, and this time he had seen her coming. He cleared his throat, and sat up a little bit straighter, running his fingers through his hair. She came and stood in front of him. Saying nothing, placing awkwardness between them. He asked her if she wanted to sit down, she sat. He watched her as she pulled a brown paper bag out of her book bag, and she started eating. No words were spoken. He couldn’t even read his book, he was so aware of her sitting beside him. After both had finished their lunches, she asked him where he lived, did he work, what kind of car did he drive. He answered  that he lived a few blocks away, that he didn’t work, and he walked to school. She asked him what kind of book was he reading the last time she had seen him. He said it was a book on how to better himself. She asked what was wrong with him, he said nothing. Lunch was over, and each went their separate ways back to class. At the end of the school day, she saw him coming out of the front school doors. He saw her immediately and walked her way.  She said matter of fact, that she would walk with him on her way home, as she only lived a block further. He thought he was going to faint, right there in front of her. The most beautiful girl was going to walk home with him. There was very little conversation between the two as they walked the few blocks. As they came to his house, she waved and said see ya. He smiled, and turned towards his front door. That night, sometime after supper, he heard his mom yell at him that he had a phone call. As she handed him the phone, she covered the ear piece and whispered to him that is was a girl on the phone. He waited for his mom to leave the room, and said hello, in a barely heard voice. She said that she had went through some of her father’s books in his library and found some books on confidence. Would he like to borrow them. He said sure, his voice a little stronger now. She asked him if he would be home that coming Friday night around seven. He said ya. She said I will see ya then. He hung up the phone and leaned up against the wall. There was a daze in his eyes, and sort of spacy look. Friday at school seemed to never end. When he got home, he picked out the coolest clothes he could find, and took a bath. He splashed on some cologne, and went down to supper. Mom and dad just looked at him and each other, and smiled. At seven prompt, the door bell rang. He let her in. After a brief introduction with parents, they walked out to the porch swing and both sat down. She handed him the books that she had brought, and together, the boy with no confidence, and the high-class girl, made a connection that would last the rest of their lives.