Inspiring Blog Award


Peace, Love N Whiskers nominated me today for this beautiful award. I just love the symbol of it.

If you have never visited her blog please do.

A little information on this blog;

  1. I did not have a pet until I was in middle school, it was a purple and white parakeet.
  2. I was a part of a 4-H club called pet partners that was run by the animal shelter in Tallahassee. I spend 3 years with them until I aged out when I turned 17.
  3. I wish I had known how important it was to take your pet to the vet when I had cats and dogs. So that’s why I’m very supportive of education programs about pet care and low costs spay/neuter clinics.
  4. I will be attending the BlogPaws Conference this year in Vienna, VA. I am very excited but nervous and scare all at once.
  5. I used to be in chorus in middle school.
  6. I love the color lime green.
  7. I am an only child.
  8. I have four cats… Bubby, Buggy, Miss Bit-bit and Boo.

Rules for the Inspiring Blog Award:

  1. Link back to the person who gave you the award
  2. Post the award on the page –
  3. Answer 7 facts about yourself..
  4. nominate other blogs

Thank-you so much for this amazing award!

1. I listen to the Escape quite a bit on Sirrus Radio

2. I am discovering that I enjoy writing  poetry almost as much as  short stories

3. I went to see Al today and discovered he had fallen Saturday at 3am and they didn’t call me until last evening

4. I am addicted to Wintogreen Lifesavors

5. Spring may not arrive in Indiana as we are to receive snow, and freezing rain after midnight tonight

6. The funeral for my lost loved one is this coming Wednesday

7. Almost 100% of the time I wake up in the mornings and thank God for another chance to breathe


Nominations are;

Sahm King



deanabo x

21 thoughts on “Inspiring Blog Award

  1. I read a quote once that said “What would you do if you tomorrow you woke up with all that you thanked God for today?”

    It made me realise that I really don’t thank him enough for all the little things that I have in my life.

    My thoughts will be with you on Wednesday


    • that is an excellent quote. I am glad you shared it with me. It will help me to be even more thankful for what I have than before. Thank u so much for sharing with me your comment


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