Chapter 19

Henry took Jane home and made sure she was resting before he took off again.

“Where are you going Henry?”

“I got some errands to run Jane. Don’t you worry about nothing. I got it all under control.”

“You aren’t going to go see that Kurt guy are you?”

“Now what makes you think that doll? Like I said, don’t worry.”

He gave her a peck on the forehead  and then turned around and went to find his mom.

“Mom will you keep an eye out on Jane? She fell out of one of the swings today. She says she isn’t hurt, but I would feel a lot better if you checked in on her while I was gone.”

Carol asked,”When you coming back? I don’t have time to be babysitting her all day.”

“I won’t be gone that long Mom. Just do it for me because you love me.”

He walked over and gave her a kiss on the cheek and she smiled at him and said,”Alright, but just for a while.”

“Thanks Mom, you’re the best.”

Henry left, he was on a mission. He was going to find out what in the world this guy Kurt was after. He went back to the lake. He glanced around the parking lot but didn’t see the creep’s car. Upon leaving there he went back into town.

Driving past the garage he saw the car. He slammed on his brakes and backed up, and pulled in. He went inside and didn’t see Kurt at first. His buddies waved and motioned him to come to where they were. A few of them were under one car checking out the brakes.

“Where’s Kurt? I don’t see him anywhere?”

Tom pointed towards the bathroom.”He’s been in there about half an hour. Must be really having some issues this morning.” All the guys laughed and asked Henry, “What ya looking for him for? Did he do something again?”

“What you mean again? Has he been in trouble before?”

“Ya a little but nothing ever came from it. Some high school gal called the cops on him. Saying he tried to force himself on her. He denied it, said he didn’t even know her.”

Kurt came walking up and Fred asked, “Did you spray back there? Smells like a skunk died in here.”

“Very funny and ya I sprayed.”

Henry turned and looked Kurt right in the eyes and before Kurt could say a word, Henry punched him right in the face. Kurt’s head took a right turn and he touched his face. When he looked down at his hands he saw blood.

“Hey, what gives? Why in the hell you hitting me? What did I ever do to you?”

“This is a warning Kurt my friend. Stay the hell a way from my wife. She isn’t yours to glare at or talk to. She belongs to me. If I see you around her again, blood isn’t the worst thing you will see. You will see your head twisted around your ass.”

“I never touched her Henry, I swear. What ever she is telling you, she is lying. These guys here can vouch for me. I never touched her.”

“Well, don’t even be looking her way, got it? Just stay a way from her. This is your one and only warning.”

Kurt walked a way with his tail between his legs. He got in his car and sped off.

“What was that all about buddy? Did Kurt do something to your gal too?”

Henry explained, “Jane said that when she was in here last time with me, Kurt made her feel funny. She said he wouldn’t take his eyes off of her.”

“Yeah, I remember that creep following her all the way to the bathroom. Said he didn’t want her to get lost.

A woman giving a man a kiss on the cheek

Gee, how big is this place anyways?”

Henry and Tom had a good laugh over it but Henry asked Tom, “Can you just keep an eye on that guy? Something about him I just don’t trust.”

“Sure Henry, sure, I got your butt covered.”

Henry continued to watch the guys for a while longer and then he said he was leaving. He went over to the bowling alley to check his schedule. He drove around town for a while just thinking about that guy Kurt. Feeling confident that he had made his point very clear he finally decided to go on home.

Pulling in the drive-way he heard screaming. He ran into the house and found his mom laying on the floor. He raced into his bedroom and there was Kurt, wrestling with Jane.

6 thoughts on “Chapter 19

  1. Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! Saw it coming, but didn’t want it to happen. Great writing. I just didn’t expect this scene so soon!!


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