I Am Blessed Today

I am being on the lazy side today since I had the biggest part of my work done yesterday. Besides, my sides hurt from moving furniture yesterday. Oh to be getting older.

Well not to side track, I was reading comments and I stumbled across a remark stating I had yet been given another award. I thought to myself, wow, cool, awesome. This made my day brighter.

And then I looked up at the window and the rain had left and the sun was shining. Thank-you God for this joy you have allowed me to have today.

http://inspirationalgem.wordpress.com   is who honored me with the Liebster Award. I get so excited over these awards. I don’t care how many times I receive the same one or even a new one. It is a thank-you from a friend who thinks my words and thoughts are worth reading.liebster award 3

I remember telling my parents that when I grew up and moved out there would be no more rules. Sad to say as soon as I moved out I learned new rules about being a grown up and they weren’t the rules of my kind parents.

And the same goes for this award, rules, what can I say? I have to follow the rules or get the ruler. LOL

Here are the rules:

Each nominee must link back the person who nominated them.
Answer the 10 questions which are given to you by the nominator.

Nominate 10 other bloggers for this award (

Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer.

Let the nominees know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them.

Oh goodie, I get to think up some more questions.

1.If you could visit anywhere in the world for only one day, where would it be and why?

2.What is your favorite scent?

3. What is your best memory of Christmas?

4. Were you ever scared at Halloween?

5.Are you under, over or at five feet tall?

6.How many languages do you speak?

7. Have you ever told a lie in order not to hurt anyone?

8. What would you do if on Christmas morning, instead of Santa coming down your chimney, it was me?

9. When do you start buying or preparing for Christmas?

10. What is your custom for Thanksgiving?


Here are the questions I was asked to answer.

1.What are a few things that inspire you to be the best you?

People with a compassion for others and life

Tell about one thing you find to be beautiful that many/most people seem to see as ugly.

Big, gaudy, shiny costume jewelry.

3. To you, what constitutes true friendship?

Trust and commitment

4. What is one painful experience you previously endured that you now see as a blessing?

Finally getting the confidence to file for a divorce. I put up with so much bull for so many years. Freedom from any kind of abuse is beautiful and a real blessing.

5. What is your favorite book? Or one of them?

I have one favorite book. I may have more, but I don’t have time to read. It is called Black Like Me.

6. What is one song that can be considered one of your life theme songs? One that describes you, your life in general, or your outlook on something.

Elvis Presley, If I Can Dream. It brings me hope that the world will still let me breathe easier a little bit each day.


7. What are three quotes that inspire you somehow?

A. Don’t ever look back, you already walked that moment.

B. You are never alone, God is with you.

C. Live like this is your last day.

8. Do you have a Philosophy of life that you consciously try to live by? If so, briefly explain the basics of it.

23 years ago when I decided to become a Caregiver, my philosophy was to treat my patients the way I will want to be treated when I grow old.

9. What accomplishment of yours are you most proud of?

A. I have three beautiful children

B. I have made it to the age I am today

C. I can write what I can’t express through my mouth and you understand

10.Which one of your senses (see, hear, taste, feel/touch, smell) do you think would be the most difficult to live without?

Feel/touch, with this I can be blind but touch your warmth

To not see I can yet feel

To not taste I can  be fed

To not smell I still can be led.


Nominations are;




Hunt FOR Truth

Mona Gustafson Affinito


Naomi Baltuck



Rusha Sams


Maxim Sense


21 thoughts on “I Am Blessed Today

  1. Well done Terry 🙂

    Thank you for nominating me Terry. I am very appreciative of it. Unfortunately with my off-line activities now, I don’t have time to do the awards. I am thankful to you though for thinking of my and my blog.


  2. Pingback: Bloggers and Awards | Ute smile

  3. Wow! I love all your answers so much and loved learning more about you!! Congratulations on all of your amazing accomplishments!! And thank you for sharing your beautiful life, the good & sad aspects with us! It’s inspiring! <3. I love your questions too & number eight is great! Lol. I would love a new friend for Christmas instead of a million material objects. Hugs to you.


  4. Terry, thank you for the nomination. I enjoyed reading your answers and this is a nice honor. I hope you will forgive me as I prefer to decline receiving any extra attention on myself. I do enjoy sharing my ideas and in some cases, even personal details. However, I generally do more of that with one person at a time. Congratulations on the accolades that you deserve. Thanks again, sincerely.
    – Eric


  5. Pingback: 06 October 2013 – 236 – ♥ Bloggers and Awards ♥ – Simply ME

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