Good Morning To Me and You


I was able to get up this morning and take a shower at my own pace. I even put some body lotion on afterwards and am dressed. I smell like a lady again. Do you think anyone will notice?

Probably not, but I do. I am able to sit here and write and drink my first cup of coffee. I am loving every moment I have with myself. I look out the window and I see a mixture of sun and a few streaky clouds. I see one tree now baron of leaves, other trees that haven’t begun to shed their summer leaves and I see one pine tree.

I used to hate silence. I used to hate spending time with myself. I thought I was boring. But Al‘s illness and my responsibilities to taking care of his needs has made me appreciate one leisurely shower.

The coffee taste better. Rhino, our cat is napping on my bed. Al is snoring. The Christmas tree is glowing and all is quiet. In my neighborhood I live with Senior Citizens on my side of the road. On the opposite side lives the Saturday social drinkers; so Sunday mornings can be spectacular.

I don’t know how many of you take time to be with yourself. I don’t mean meditating or praying. I mean just stepping back and looking at the precise moment you are in. What are you doing and are you enjoying it? Have you noticed anything about this fine Sunday morning?


28 thoughts on “Good Morning To Me and You

  1. This morning has been quiet for me. Only had a call from my daughter asking for taxi home from her mum’s house. She wasn’t happy when i refused. She has a bus pass that gets her home for free and I am fed up with paying nearly £30 a month for her to come home that way. That’s about $50. So I am expecting a rather annoyed girl when she gets home. Oh well, I’m the boss. hehe.


    • If she has a bus pass, then there is no reason to not use it and dry her Dad’s pockets, I agree. If she is upset, she will get over it! I doubt if it will be the only thing that upsets her in life, right? And, you are the Dad and the boss!!


  2. All is quiet here. Family is sleeping and I am watching it rain and it is mixed with a few snow flakes. Thank you for the reminder to just take the time to notice. ~Blessings~


  3. Well, I seem to like and agree with you. I love to spend time with myself especially after a full scheduled day and lots of events. I like to settle down, re-prioritize my goals and go on a fresh start. Thank you for your nice post, I really know how it feels. Happy Sunday. 🙂


  4. I love this. That is exactly what I do every morning spend time with myself and enough a great cup of coffee and think. With hurried lifestyles it is important to gather ones thoughts. This day I noticed how peaceful the neighborhood is and quiet. Seems like everyone is still sleeping except for me. Love this post!


  5. I live by myself since my mother died, when I am at home so is quiet until I feel like disturbing it that is! Because most of my days are spent walking up the hill to take care of church chores, I try to make sure that so e pray of my day is chore and housework and admin free … Just so I do get time with hands free … One of the quietest and loveliest mornings in the year is Easter Sunday there is no traffic noise, and all the world and nature seem to be holding their breath. Could you write a poem about that for us all to enjoy please?


  6. Every single day, alive, breathing & just almost well, old or young, is fine, no matter whether Sunday, Monday or whatever day; able to walk, talk & think rationally is spectacular, rain, shine, freezing or swelteringly hot, hot, hot. Life is good…


  7. I love some quiet time on my own but didn’t have any this weekend as I was DIY ing. My body aches and I am pooped, but I have worked hard. I will have 2 days with no DIY and then start on putting the bunkbed together…….


  8. Terry, so happy for you that you have some quality time for yourself .. during the day.
    Mornings is my best time of the day too … my Sunday morning – I woke up late, because I was visiting my neighbors and it became late .. so I made breakfast and took it with me back into bed and watch some TV and then .. my day was very slow and pleasant.
    I had a great morning.


      • Yes, I have never enjoyed breakfast in bed before .. but the last months – I have start doing it .. and I love it. Only watch scrap programs really. Love Australia’s Junior Master Chefs, they are only 10 years old max and cook better than me. Scary stuff. And I enjoy Beverly Hills Housewife – love the cat fighting. So sad am I in the morning. *smile


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