Decorated With Love

My son-in-law, daughter and granddaughter came over today. They took me to get a Christmas tree and then stayed to help decorate it. I was happy when I saw it all together. I wasn’t sure how I would really feel, since Christmas just isn’t the same this year, but I am happy. It is beautiful in my eyes, decorated with love. Of course I have to show it off to you!



christmas tree 2

Child Abuse


English: This is a map of Kosciusko County, In...

English: This is a map of Kosciusko County, Indiana, USA which highlights the location of Monroe Township. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Second Woman Charged with Battery to Child

Kosciusko County Sheriff’s Dept. officers arrested a second Warsaw
woman involved in allegedly striking a 4-year-old toddler. Deputies went
to the residence of Jolene Marie Swihart, 30, Wednesday and arrested
her on a preliminary charge of battery resulting in serious bodily
to a victim less than 14-years-old. KCSD deputies and officials
with the Department of Child Services initially began an investigation
Monday at the same residence that led to the arrest of Sherena Michele
Harris, 26.

Every week here where I live a case is reported of child abuse. Each time I read about this topic my mind just explodes. Maybe it is because it touches my own life when I was very small.

Maybe it is because the punishments are not near severe enough. I have even read cases as of late where the abused child was returned to the home of the abuser. What is up with that crap?

Why isn’t the punishment so intolerable that an abuser would do nothing less than think over twice what could happen to him or her? Is child abuse so common that it is now coming out of the woodwork?

Has it been going on for generation after generation and MUM was the word? I was reading the comments about this particular case and someone stated, we really don’t know if they are guilty or not.

Pleaseeee, look at that child’s bruises. Look at the thin body. Take a look at the skin around the lips where duct tape was placed so the child would not speak.

Alright, maybe the person is the wrong person direct, but I bet a million bucks that they are aware of what was happening. Or worse yet a party to it.

So many of us, and I am guilty also, of asking, what makes that child be so difficult to raise?

Well, maybe there is so much information we were not privy to be shared with. Maybe there are months or years of abuse hidden in that child’s mind. Can an abused child be fixed? Who’s responsibility is it to pay for all the therapy?

These are questions I am throwing out here to you. I want you to voice or in this instance, write your thoughts.

What is it going to take to get this to stop? How long does the abused have to suffer? I don’t care if it is calling someone stupid, retard, fatty, four-eyes, sexual, emotional or mental, it is all abuse.

We were placed here by God for much  more than the cruelty that is allowed to happen to humans.

Oh Lord this world has turned upside down. There are many demons walking around in too familiar clothing. Help us Lord. Tell us what we can do to save these innocent victims. Show us how you want us to help. Amen


Daily Prompt; Perspective/ The Daily Post

Do You Really Want to Hurt Me

Daily Post


Write about the last disagreement you had with a friend or family member — from their perspective.

I don’t know about you but the only people I disagree with and try so very hard not to get into arguments are with my children. Isn’t is a sad thing? I hear that families disagree more than any other unit out there.

My kids they really love me and they are not afraid to voice their thoughts when they see me heading towards murky waters. I realize that they know me pretty darn well. I understand that they want the best for me. I have even heard them tell me they want me to be happy.

It is actually the best thing about having children in my eyes. They may not come visit near enough in my book of rules. But they are the cat’s meow in my life. Showing me unconditional love.

I absolutely hate it when we tar and feather each other. Like chickens we peck at each other trying to sway us that they are right and I am wrong. Our beaks hurt each other and leave small scars beneath the surface.

I get both sides. They are the children wanting the best and I am the mom. I have made it all through my life with the only boss that really made me listen were my parents. I have gone through marriages and divorces and am still standing.

I have dealt with so much crap with my brother that I should only be found by using a fork lift and sifting through the manure. So it only makes sense that my children realize my  pain and  grief. They want to take care of me from a distance so to say.

They don’t live with me. They do not see what my eyes do. Nor do they hear what I hear. None the less it is awesome to know that they love me enough to throw their two cents in. If they ever quit doing this I will be worried for sure. Silence can mean lack of caring.

I just wish the poisoned darts were not tossed at each other. We are all sharp shooters never missing the target. We each know exactly where to throw those darts that will cause the biggest pain. They aren’t really trying to hurt me. They are trying to do what they can to wake me up to what they are trying to express.

Being a mother is not just giving birth. It is to include changing dirty diapers, pacing the nights trying to calm a crying baby. Feeding and doctor’s appointments. Educating and nurturing. You have a big party when you watch them walk to receive their diplomas.

In a way that is only the first couple of stages of having a child. When they are grown and move out of the nest they still need you. It is just in different ways. They need and have the right to know that parents still love them. Realizing that we would lay our lives down for them in order not to have them hurt as we were.

But in the end after all the love is shown and tears are shed together, the ultimate hurt is the disagreements. But we have to go through these moments in order to keep growing in our love for each other. I love ya kids!!!!!!!

Be A Kid Today!

I post so many blogs about the life Al and I live that are not full of joy, but once in a while I can grab a piece of life and cling to it, bringing me great memories of my own childhood and a remembrance of how innocent being a child can be. Here are some photos I snapped yesterday afternoon of two of my grandsons, having the time of their life in nature, with no monies spent.

Picture It & Write Oct.14th, 2012

Innocent is what she was. A little girl living in the hollowness of the almighty tree. A child that had been dropped off by some unwilling female who did not have the guts to turn the child in to the proper authorities, instead left it here in the forest for nature to rear and nurture this life.

A child of innocence, who learned a special language. A language taught from the wild life who lived in the depths of the circle of shadows and branches. Animals protected and leaves kept her dry. Sunlight filtering gave her eyes to see the beauty surrounding her.

Words that can only be recognized by nature would spill from her mouth, and the branches would scoop down and lift her into their arms providing love and support. This child wanted for nothing and now as a teenager, she was naive to the outer edges of the world. Love and peace were her vocabulary. The animals were her friends, and there was no hate to be recognized.

She did not need much food as the berries and the fish from the nearby stream fed her. As fires for cooking would be seen in the darkness of the eves, trees would bow down to her, forcing breaths of winds to circle around and go else where.

As she was gently lifted into the sleep of the  nights, deer, and rabbits, and a fox or two would gather around her and keep watch until dawn, and then scamper into shadows of the land, waiting until needed again.

To live a life with no pain or sorrow, to be innocent of the foul play that intertwines our lives, to love all and to  have no jealousies, is a life that many of us would be envious of. The mother that left the child to fend for herself, actually brought to life a creature like no other.


__picture it & write

A writing exercise completed for Ermilia. Thank-you for this opportunity to expand my mind.