Picture It & Write, Nov. 25th, 2012

The golden locks lying on the board

Reminding me of days gone by

Years of laughter, living life

As the adored and loving wife.

Babies being born, first one than two

Cuddling in my arms, feeling love flow

From their heart to mine

Realizing there is nothing more divine.

Letting go, stretching arms to finger tips

Walking them to school hand in hand

Letting tears fall as we allow the schools

To now teach our loved ones  their golden rules.

Graduation day is here and now

We realize our job has been complete

Then next we walk them down the aisle

We cry a little and also smile.

Now holding this tiny babe in our hands

Once again we burst with love

As we share our child’s child in our own two arms

Wishing a good life and for them no harm.

Yes, I was blessed with a good life

A chance to love, and share and grow

And as I look back before I die

I have no regrets nor tears in my eyes.


24 thoughts on “Picture It & Write, Nov. 25th, 2012

  1. Thank you for this as I have two young children and I have to keep reminding myself how fast things go and to enjoy all and I can only hope that I may be able to experience grandchildren to love all again!


  2. Love it! Just graduated one this spring and had another one get married this summer. Still enjoying our youngest being at home! And looking forward to enjoying grandchildren someday. Thanks, Lori


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