A Dog Named Boo

A dog with no name

I saw you looking up at me

When I was driving by

You looked at me and I think you said

Please give me a hug and wipe my eye.

Your hair I noticed is such a mess

It hangs down in your face

Has someone left you behind

To fight this human race?

I pulled my car over and shut it off

I opened my door and walked towards you

I don’t know if I’m doing right or wrong

But I have to do what I must do.

I held out my hand and bent so low

You didn’t back off or seem afraid

You came closer to me being a little shy

Please trust me now don’t walk a way.

I went back to the car and got a blanket

I brought it to you and you let me wrap you up

I carried you gently and placed you on the seat

You sat very still you didn’t even fuss.

I’m taking you home with me today

I will clean you up and wash your hair

I have been praying for some companionship

I think you and I can connect and share.

Once inside the house I put you down

You looked around but didn’t stray

I found you some food and I hope you will eat

What a good job you did there’s none to throw a way.

A bath I am giving you now you smell so good

I combed out your hair and you sat very still

I see your eyes follow me where ever I go

And now you are sitting on my lap at your own will.

I am so thankful that I passed your way

I realize I needed you more than I knew

The Lord answered my prayer of a companion today

I love you my new friend, you are my dog named Boo.

Terry Shepherd


Daily Prompt; Call Me Ishmael/ The Daily Post

Take the first sentence from your favorite book and make it the first sentence of your post.


Once upon a time in a land of  Neverland there was a baby girl born.

She was the apple of her parents eyes because they believed they were so forlorn

She graced their days with laughter and delight


They adored tucking her in every single night

She grew and grew until she was grown

She followed the path they seeded and sown

Now she was going to marry a prince

The parents had dreamed of this ever since

Their toddler was dressed in mommy’s clothes

Complete with white dress and shoes that showed tiny toes

Her father walks her down the aisles

And all I can do is sit here and smile

I wish for her happiness and bliss

When the vows are spoken and the prince doeth kiss

I hope and pray that you love and care for her

Honor her with gold and love and myrrh

Be happy today now little girl grown

Now go and grow a child of your own.

Terry Shepherd
