In The Dark of The Days, Still Comes Sunshine Rays

In the dark of the days, still comes sunshine rays……..T.S.

Today has been very quiet. Al has eaten but little at a time. He has mainly slept with the TV noise running in the background. Days seem gloomy when he is so quiet but I know his body is resting so it can go on a glorious trip.

I received two  packages in the mail today. One was from a dear friend Al,   Al


a blogger here at WP. He had contacted Coca Cola and told them of my brother’s love of their product. The next thing I knew I opened a package that contained a Coca Cola flag.

coca cola flag

I showed it to Al when he woke up. His eyes got big but he said nothing. I am pretty sure though by the size of his eyes that he really liked it.

Al, thank-you so much for making arrangements to have this sent here. I will never forget.

There was another package in the mail. It came from a dear friend of mine who is an author of Poetry. Marsha McKneely Ault,

She had sent me a book that was published and inside she had signed a poem she had written about Al. It is an honor to hold this book in my hand and be able to turn to the page and see Al in it. Thank-you so much Marsha.




Marsha's poem

21 thoughts on “In The Dark of The Days, Still Comes Sunshine Rays

  1. I pray you find a balm in the kindness of others, Terry. Sometimes, that’s all we need, and it gives us just enough strength and courage to move forward and do the tough things life requires of us. May you be awash in kindness during these gloomy days! Let people be the hands and feet of Jesus to you, serving you with love and grace. Rest in that.


  2. I am glad it arrived in time and that he liked it. After chatting to the American company, and then the UK side, and then sorting out the delivery, I wasn’t sure how long it was going to take. So nice what Marsha did


  3. Three cheers for your dear friends – I remember reading about Al’s request to Coca-Cola, and I’m so glad they came through. And the poem! It is both beautiful and touching..may you always be surrounded with love Terry


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