A Quote Made Me Look At Myself

don't give upThis came across my Facebook this morning and I stared it at for a while. I thought about how I come across to people. Do I make you happy or sad? Do I upset you by my words?

I have always been the type of person who doesn’t like to hurt anyone if at all possible. This has side-effects though. It can cause me to be backed in corners I don’t want to be in. It can make me say yes when I really want to say no.

I have been working on trying to stand up more on my feet and think about me. I hate that in a way though. My mom always taught me to think of others first and myself last, so this is a hard habit to break.

I have written many poems on here, shared music that I love. I have whined and cried out to you while dealing with my brother’s illness. I have been a very needy gal this past year. Even today, I still need encouragement to go forward. You have taught me to remember the good memories. You have shown me that I am worthy of stating how I feel about various things.

I was thinking of all this and then I stopped as I thought; have I helped anyone else or has it all been about me? I hope that somehow I have made a difference in a life somewhere out there. I hope that maybe one story I wrote saved someone from a sad day. I don’t know if I did or not.

I just want to say so many of you have been here for me. I pray that I have been there for you at one point or another and I didn’t make you feel unimportant as I value your input and friendships very much.

night flower 4

17 thoughts on “A Quote Made Me Look At Myself

  1. I honestly believe that everything that we write touches someone, somewhere every time. May not always get the LIKES or the comments, but I believe it. I enjoy reading your posts, hope that might help just a little bit 🙂


    • I usually don’t think too often on this topic, but I realize with my brother’s illness I became very needy for support. I never want anyone to think I don’t care about them because I do. Thanks for you beautiful comment Joatmon


  2. You have inspired me the very first day I found you on facebook, sharing about your brother and MSA. I lost my sister in March and you lost Al not too long after. I feel like we are kindred spirits in a sense. Thank you.


    • Thank you Nena. Sometimes I got so wrapped up in Al and how he was feeling and what we were going through I forgot who I was. I am grateful for your comment and we will always remain kindred spirits. That is the good that came out of MSA. hugs my friend


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