Humidity  and heat today  

Knowing  colors are on the  way  
Thinking  swimsuits in the trunk

Finding  winter clothes that shrunk
Digging  for orange  pumpkin lights

That will light your  drive way nights
Shopping  stores with lay – aways  

For that special  Christmas  Day
All the while  I’m  thinking  when

I  can find the pool  and swim.
Written  by ,  

Terry  Shepherd


Have you ever went to a mall

And instead  of  shopping  

You sat, you gazed?

At people, all

Types of  people  

Walking  by.

Some are on their  phones , 

Others chatting  to 

Friends or family.

Children laughing  

Some are crying

Others, sleeping .

You  notice  all

Shapes of life,

Thin, heavy,

Tall and  short.

You  take a 

Look at yourself  

And smile-

As you realize  

There’s  nothing  

Wrong  with  you.

You fit in,

You’re  just unique.
Written  by ,  

Terry  Shepherd


Yesterday, the tremors finally stopped. I felt like a new woman. It was rough during those times. Walking is very difficult because when my legs tremor, they also become weak.

I read this post on Facebook about a woman who also has Parkinson’s. She had been  in a public place and someone made a comment loud enough for her to her. It was pertaining to her being drunk. Thankfully, she put them in their place.

I have thought that too about myself. How do I look to others? How bad do I sway back and forth? Do I look drunk to others?

No one knows unless you have gait issues, how hard we fight to look and act so called “normal”. For me, I have to concentrate very hard to walk as straight as possible. When in public, I have no choice but to hang on to the cart, or ride the public scooter. If I know I am going some place without special equipment offered; I take my brother’s scooter.

Stores are not thinking about wheelchairs and scooters when they display their clothing and miscellaneous racks. I went to Macy’s. There were several areas my scooter, which is not a big one, could not fit through the small spaces; especially the purse department. I had to get off my scooter if I wanted to look closely at choices offered, or forget looking all together and move on to a different area. I wish businesses would consider a different layout for their racks. Should I let Macy’s know my thoughts?

I don’t get out too often. When I have doctor’s visits, I try to stop at my son’s house. It is a mood lifter for sure. The grandchildren are there, and I can guarantee some good laughs.

I also live a half-hour from my home town and it may not be a big issue to most; but for me, keeping my feet on the gas pedal is something of a chore. This causes me to stay around my own area more or stay at home. I sometimes wonder how much longer I will be able to drive, but I don’t like to think of that.

When we become older, life changes, and most of these changes occur with looks, strength, and the ability to run around like we used to. I like to go to town during the week days. The weekend days are filled to the brim in the stores with people, children running, and plain chaos.

Some things in my life I don’t get as upset over as I did when I was younger. An example would be a spotless home. I used to be a fanatic about it, but no more. Now I give myself a pat on the back, like tonight. No tremors, so I was able to mop the kitchen and bathroom floor and sweep the house. It felt good. You have to grab those good moments and run with them, in case the next day is a set-back.

Life is good when it is good, and it is bad when it is bad. I vote for the good to continue.



One day you look into your mirror

And you reach up and touch your face

You notice dips and drops

Taking up once silky space.


The years, they slip right by us

Most times we just don’t see

Or perhaps we just ignore them

Praying time will stop and seize.


Years of smiles around the lips

Worry lines around the eyes

Hard work has lined its marks

Dark circles from saying goodbyes.


A history we now wear

With pride for what we’ve done

You smile back at yourself

Realizing a new chapter has begun.


Written by,

Terry Shepherd


red 2 8

Thanks  Dear Ex

​Thanks  Dear Ex
A broken spirit  

Affects  the  heart

The mind drifts

All falls apart . 
Tears seep

Words are sworn

I lose myself  

Shattered  and torn.
But time goes by

And healing begins

My smile  returns

And I  see the win.
You caused me grief

Fight after fight

I’m now wrapped  in peace

Thanks  for  saying  goodbye . 
Written  by ,  

Terry  Shepherd
Photo  taken  by Terry  Shepherd  

Tale-Tale Signs of a Locust 

​Tale – tale Signs From a Locust 
Your sounds you 

Sing for me

A sign of

What’s to come

The summer months 

Are ending

Your presence of

A new season has begun.

The stillness in the day

The coolness

Shares with me

I can vast

In all the beauty

Amongst the rising sun.
Written by, 

Terry Shepherd 

Thank-you for reading

August  2016

I have been trying  very  hard to force smiles, be positive  and  yet, stay calm. This month hasn’t  been  the  best. Actually ,  the past six  months  could  have  been  better .  Stomach  problems , many doctor  visits .  Trips to  the  hospital .  Tremors, balance  problems  and now my latest  path is Potassium . 

My body has held potassium  for almost  a  year .  It is  being  monitored  close. My doctor  decided  it was getting  too high. He chose  to  change  my blood  pressure  medication  thinking  it may be retaining  extra  Potassium . My white cell count  is always  elevated  with no reasons.

I  had a reaction  and after two more  visits to  the  hospital   I was told  to go off the new medication  and  go back to  my  original  one .  This change  caused my Potassium  to reach  a dangerous  level, the quick  change  from new to old . 

Once the  level  is too high, the heart goes into electrical  shock and death follows. Now I  am  on a new blood  pressure  medication  that takes a couple  of  weeks  to work full force.

I  have  to  monitor  my blood  pressure  each day and after only four  days  my pressure  is slowly  rising and headaches  and panic  attacks  have returned . 

I  am  asking  for  prayers. I  just  want  to  have to deal  with  my Parkinson ,  not this and the concern of  no longer  breathing .