Today’s Visit With Al

crying emoticone

If fear wasn’t so strong

I think I would take off

For a little trip

On an island somewhere

All alone away from all

The visit with Al

Was too much to bear

His pain was at an all

Time high his cries

Never stopped and it

Was breaking my heart

I was told he has

Lost seven pounds this week

And  this caused

My heart to race

And it felt like it skipped beats

I helped him all I could

But I ended up doing no good

I cried with him for

The first time today

Our hearts were joined

In searing pain holding

Onto life with trembling hope

I helped him to lie down

After lunch and then the potty

His crying never stopped

As he told me words

That I understood

Please Terry take me home

I want to be with you

I choked and trembled

As he shook my roots of strength

I sat down on the bed

Beside him and grabbed

His hands placing them in mine

I told him that I promised

I was working as fast as I can

That I would have him back

Where he belonged

Then he looked at me one more time

And I could barely hear

The words he strained to tell me

Please don’t let me die in here………….

Terry Shepherd


Too Emotional

I don’t know what I would do without any of you, I really don’t. Now I am in the biggest emotional roller coaster of my life, and believe me there are tears this time. I can not stop


them. I have had bad news and more bad news on top, pertaining to Al, and I just can not speak of right now. Please be understanding with why I have not blogged since yesterday. Please be patient with me, and hopefully I will be back to a more normal person tomorrow, able to speak of what is happening.

I love you all, and would give anything if any of you were here with me.

Talk to you soon.


I Wonder If Al Will Be Saying This To Me

I just saw this after I wrote my last blog. I felt so bad for being weak, and then I came across this. I wonder if Al will be saying this to me.

I can not copy and paste this on here, so I give you the website. Please copy and paste this address and read it with me.