I Was Selfish Today

English: Groceries store at Boqueria market in...

English: Groceries store at Boqueria market in Barcelona. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I have a selfish side. I want to spend the few hours when the respite caregiver comes, for myself. I don’t want to pay bills, and I don’t want to get groceries, and I am not even sure if I want anyone around at this point. With this knowledge, I have put off for most of this week getting groceries, waiting for Al to have a better day.

I thought today was it. Al got up, said he slept well, took his shower without tears today, and seemed pretty good. I decided to go get groceries with him after lunch was over. He seemed alright with the idea, so I fixed his lunch and we took off for the store.

We get almost  there and he starts complaining of pain in his leg and ankle. My fault, I didn’t have any ibuprofen with me. I should have been quiet. I should have just turned around and went back home and got him the pills and a glass of water, but I wanted my own way. I had my mind-set on going to get groceries, and by gosh I was going to do this!

He tells me that I don’t care if he is in pain. He starts the poor me story all over again. I have heard it so many times these past couple of months, I know it by heart. Not meaning to sound cold and cruel, just pointing out it is said a lot. He doesn’t give me any silence, and he is crying and icky stuff is dripping down on his shirt. I drove listening to this for another half a mile and I was in the middle of a residential neighborhood, and I don’t know what came over me, but I slammed on my brakes pulling up  next to the curb. I put the car in park, and I looked him straight on, and I said, I have heard enough, I can’t take this anymore. I told him that no matter what I said to help him feel better about himself, I could not do it. I told him that he was getting very close to needing more help than I could give him, and we were going to have to discuss him living else where.

He doubled up his fist, but didn’t touch me. He told me to call the police, for why, I don’t know. He tried getting out of the car, and I told him to sit still and hush right this moment. I  told him if you get out of this car, someone is going to see you throwing this fit. They are going to call the police on you!!

I told him that I loved him, and I told him that I cared. I explained to him that I would give my right arm if I could fix this Parkinson’s, but I couldn’t do it. He went on to say the same things, he can’t walk right, he can’t do anything. I got out of the car and stood against the door praying for someone to take me out of here, just get me out of here. Nothing happened. I smoked a cigarette while he sat in the car and rambled on about how bad he has it.

I finished my cigarette and got back in the car. I once again in a slow, very clear voice, told him that I know this is frustrating to him, but I loved him, no matter how fast or slow he was, no matter if he was sick or healthy.  I tried my best to console him, but when he said, no one cares, I put the car in drive, and in silence drove to the grocery store.

Now I didn’t care who saw him crying, I didn’t care if he was crying. The only thing I cared about was that I was winning this one. I was getting my groceries!

We got to the store, and I did my shopping. He sat in his scooter and went so slowly, that people were having to go around him, and he cried all the way through the store. I went through the check out line, the bag boy helped me with the groceries to the car, and I drove home. Me happy that I got my food, and Al still crying.

Thank God, he is napping now.

37 thoughts on “I Was Selfish Today

  1. Terry, you are living a 24/7 situation most people would never volunteer to accept. In any family there are going to be issues no matter ill or not. We get on each others nerves but it is so much harder when you feel helpless. We all need breaks; you can’t do it all and God doesn’t expect you too. Talk to someone outside of your family; a Pastor or church rep.; someone with the knowledge and training of what you are both dealing with. When my mother refused to get help for my very sick father almost 2 years ago, and mom is 82 she almost ran me, my sister and brother ragged. It also issued in many arguments and family dismissals because she didn’t want anyone else to take care of dad but family. Now, she is suffering from the trauma of his illness so much so she has no short term memory and repeats herself constantly and she thinks the rest of us are the ones who need help!


    • that is so sad…….i don’t know what makes some of us think we can do it all. i guess i think god can pull me through this, but i admit i am getting pretty tired. i find myself wanting to nap when Al naps, and then still want more sleep. i keep hanging in thinking God will fix this soon. thank you for the great comment. i love it that you could share with me your own experience. i didn’t realize that the caregiver could get so run down that they become ill, but from what you say, we can


  2. Well done …. you’re on the right track .. I think he are a bit of an attention seeker – and when he doesn’t get that in the end .. he will stop, but he will try you out and he will drive you mad … great thing you did today with AL and your time for yourself … with just you.


  3. Terry,

    Do you have a friend or anyone that can sit with Al one day a month so you can have day for yourself? I know how it is not to have time for yourself, but during my mother’s on going illness, I take one day a month and do something I want to do. It may not be anything other than going to a book store to browse, or a hair and makeup shop to look at all the new stuff etc… You really need to take at least one day a month if you can. I am glad you stuck to your guns, have been there and done that myself! Wow what a great feeling it was too at the moment. In my prayers, God Bless, SR


    • i have just hired a respite caregiver. she spent two hours here last week, but that ended in chaos, the deal with my half-sister that i blogged about. i get a day next friday for four hours. i can hardly wait. i need this time or i am going to go crazy,,,,,,,,,,,wait, i may already be crazy and just don’t realize it, lol


  4. Terry …I know that you are torn about all of your feelings right now. On the one hand Al’s feelings and needs and on the other hand you don’t know how much more of the same you can handle. I hope the time by yourself gives you time to sort everything out. No one can tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. You must decide. My prayers will be with you! Diane


    • thank you Diane. I got tough today, because i have to survive through this. i am tired of getting the left over attitudes when he shows no one else this. this tells me he can control some of it, and i made it clear to him today i am not going to stand for it anymore, done, over, to your room and sulk!!!!!


    • thank you Reality. this is what i pray for every single day. strength to carry on. now that i have hired a respite caregiver, i will get four hours next friday for just me! i am really looking forward to it. i think it will pay off far more than a doctor visit!. so nice to meet you, and i hope you enjoy my blogs


  5. Terry…does he pull these fits with the hospice worker? I imagine that he doesn’t, because she is not family and he can’t take advantage of her or make her feel guilty…but you he can and continues to try to do so. You are going to have to stand up to him more often, until he sees that you will not put up with it anymore. I know how embarrassing it can be when he does it in public. I had my share of those stubborn fits with my father-in-law, the worse usually at the doctor’s office when he was suppose to be getting tests done for cancer. He locked himself in the bathroom and refused to come out. For a half hour he wouldn’t answer me and the staff got worried that he had passed out on the toilet, so they picked the lock open. Then asked me to check on him…not something a daughter-in-law should have to do…walk in on her father-in-law. But I did, to find him in there sullen and reading, refusing to come out no matter what. I told him again it was time for him to go into the doctor’s office, and he refused, telling me he needed some time to finish. A half hour later he was still not coming out, and the doctor sent in a couple of his male nurses. My father-in-law grabbed onto the toilet and refused to move out of there. By this time there was a long line of people waiting to get into the restroom and we were over an hour past his appointment. I was so embarrassed, and upset with his behavior and how he talked to the nurses, that I called my husband and told him what happened and that I would need him to take off work and meet me at home, that I had reached the height of my frustration with his dad. My husband did it, and by the time we got to the house I had already been called into the doctor’s office without my father-in-law and given the doctor’s diagnosis to tell my husband. We finally figured out that my father-in-law already knew what the diagnosis would be and refused to go in because he didn’t want the family to find out…stage 4 prostate cancer. After I was told and informed my husband and brother-in-law and sister-in-law, my father-in-law’s fits and attitudes got worse, even causing the home nurses to cry. I was missing my doctor’s appointments to make sure he was going to his, and to care for him, and my health started taking a turn for the worse. my husband saw what it was doing to me to ignore my health to care for his dad, and decided it was enough. He spoke to his family and told them it was time to decide a new arrangement for his dad, that it was putting too much of a strain on my health, and our home. That is when he moved his father up to his sister’s home, since she was a nurse it was a better situation for his father in the long run.
    You aren’t being selfish, you are being pushed, because Al knows just what buttons to push to get his way from you.


    • you are right and i know it. he doesn’t act like that around my children, or the caregivers. when i slammed on the breaks today, he knew that he was in trouble. he spent one half of the early evening crying. i ignored him. then we went to supper and for a walk with Al and my son and family, and he was red-eyed swollen but never threw one fit. i know he doesn’t feel good and i know he is in constant pain, but he has to stop this behavior with me, period! this is awful what you also had to go through. i would have been humiliated beyond words. it isn’t that i don’t feel for your father-in-law or Al, it is the attitudes i don’t like


      • That is the hard part is that we do care, but we are also dealing with childlike behavior and have to handle it in the same manner we do with children…put a stop to it. People who aren’t dealing with it don’t understand, but those who have will.


      • oooooooooooo i wish you lived near me. u give me strength through your words. i can only imagine how much better it would b to know you in person


  6. Love and hugs, angel Terry. I have had a struggle of these sorts tonight myself, here in my own situation. I so understand. Hon, you aren’t being selfish. You need groceries. Al needs food to eat. He is how he is, and you still have to do what you have to do . . .and consider your own feelings and thoughts and health as well. You are doing the impossible, with Jesus!


    • i can not even imagine what this home would be like if i didn’t rely on god. it would be a disaster i am sure. i am sorry you are going through issues at home also, and here it is the weekend. i will pray for you. it is the best i know how to help you. love u my friend. god bless


  7. I’m so glad you told Al that you love him but didn’t back down when he said no one cares. Forhisgloryandpraise is spot on I think. He knows how to push your buttons and is attention seeking. Understandable, but unfair.


  8. there is a time for tough love and this was one of them. As I have said before for different reasons I understand Al’s frustration and pain and i even understand a little his bitterness at the world but you aint got punchbag tattooed on your forehead hun and have every right to blow up at him it might even do him good to be on the recieving end of a few rants and let him hear a few home truths. they may hurt but sometimes it is what is needed to get something to sink in


    • aside from the fact that it felt so good to slam that door, Al has been better for the most part at pushing his luck with me. i think i gave him a shock! let’s hope it last for awhile……….thanks Paula, i always look forward to your comments.


  9. I have such empathy for you. I’m watching my father suffer as he cares full time for my mother (stroke victim). Also very hard. Respite care is essential – good luck to you. Tom


    • thank you for commenting Thomas! it is so hard to watch your family member suffer isn’t it? i have just started using a respite caregiver, and have had my first two hours alone. it is so nice to meet you, please feel free to drop by anytime!


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