What is Your Opinon?

Sweet Valentines Candy

Tomorrow is the big day. A day for sweethearts. Are there other relationships that you can give candy to if you don’t have a sweetheart?

I am considering stopping tomorrow at the store and buying my brother a box of candy. Not one of those mushy heart shaped thingys, but just a nice box. Do you think he would think he would think I was nuts? Or do you think he would just enjoy the sweets?

Give me your thoughts so I don’t make a fool of myself. LOL

43 thoughts on “What is Your Opinon?

  1. I think he would be over the moon, but not a heart shape box maybe. Because Valentine’s Day is for all kind of love, even love between a sister and her brother. I hate the day … but that’s another issue. *smile – I think you should buy him a big box.


    • I didn’t think of it that way. I guess I was thinking maybe my brother would think I was nuts trying to let him think he was my sweetheart. But you know what,,,,,,,he is my sweetheart of a brother. Thanks!!!


  2. If anyone is offended by your Valentines candy, you take it back and make a note of it.

    My husband ordered a dozen gourmet cupcakes for today but one by one all our friends cancelled on our Valentines pot luck dinner. I couldn’t bear to hold a pot luck for 2 guests so I canceled too. Luckily we were able to call the cupcake makers last night and postpone the order. We considered giving the cupcakes away to other people, but a dozen unnecessary gourmet cupcakes is quite a big order. Luckily it’s my husband’s birthday on Saturday and cupcakes for birthday is a fine thing indeed 🙂


  3. I’m not a big fan of the romantic view of Valentines Day. But I like it as a day to let people know that they are appreciated. So go ahead and give Al some chocolates. You know what? Although I try to be good during the week and not eat any sweets, I might get myself some chocolate, too. It would be nice to appreciate myself a bit more, you know?


  4. A box of chocolates AND a 2 liter bottle of Diet Coke…….Hey Forrest Gump said “Life is like a box of chocolates”….. You already know my thoughts on the day, AND you already know what I said…:) psst…Terry you are brilliant….:)


    • oh hi there my good friend!!!!!!! I will get that diet coke and a big box of candy for Al. After all after my little candy bar is gone I will have to dive into his big box that he will not be able to eat all by himself. heheh. I love Forrest Gump and that is so true. Life is like a box of chocolates!!!!!!! I think you are pretty darn awesome too!!!! hugs


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