Daily Prompt ; Proud / The Daily Post

English: Mallard brood This proud mother has m...


When was the last time someone told you they were proud of you?

I had to think on this but soon came to two answers for the question.

The one person in my life who has always said she is proud of me for anything that I do or represent is my best girlfriend. She and I have been friends for over 30 years. We have lived very close to each other but for several years we live about two hours apart.

We try hard to see each other a couple of times a year. We mainly keep in touch by phone calls. I call her when I am feeling down or frustrated. I call her when I need to hear a comforting voice.

I probably call her more than she calls me. I think she is stronger emotionally than I am. It doesn’t matter how long we go without talking, we pick-up like we just talked earlier that day.

No matter what is going on in my life she has always been my rock. Even when I have made mistakes she is right there to support me to move forward. I just love her to death.

I don’t remember my parents ever saying they were proud of me but I can remember moments when I knew by a look or action. I don’t remember my kids ever telling me they were or are proud of me. But I believe this has to be a normal thing as I am the mom and they are the kids.

I try very hard to let them know at times how proud I am of them for being a person here on earth. Or I point out to them when they have made difficult decisions.  Each of my kids are excellent for telling me they love me when ever we hang up from a call or have been texting.

When I am lucky enough to see them, usually hugs are something I can count on plus a verbal I love you.

The other people in my life that have said they are proud of me are you my readers and followers. I have never had anyone in my life cheer me on and root for me as much as you. Those small words sometimes make the difference in whether I cry throughout the day or get up and move around.

Some days I am sure you never realize what a huge difference you made in my one day. You have carried me emotionally through all of Al’s illness. You have hugged me when I think back to my childhood.

Some of you are even rooting me on with finding a companion in my life. Others of you force me to look at myself and see that I am worthy. You let me know that I can do things, that I have the power to make changes. Each of you have taught me not to be a floor mat for anyone.

I would not be where I am today without my cheer block. I hate it that I am the type of soft personality that needs to be showed and told. I think it stems back to years ago when I beat myself up trying to get my parents to notice I was a good kid.

Writing my first book and now on my second book makes me feel strong. Whether it ever makes it to a bookshelf is not the highlight. The lamp will shine on me because I have a book with my name on it as author.

I used to have a friend who entered my life for a short period of time. I believe with all my heart he was here because God used him to give me confidence to start this writing blog. He is gone now but I continue to write.

I give a big hoot hoot hoot to my best friend and to all of you here who read my short stories, my poetry and sometimes my humorous stories. Thank-you to all.

9 thoughts on “Daily Prompt ; Proud / The Daily Post

  1. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Proud « Code For Confession

  2. That’s what good friends are for … it’s so important to have a friend like that – I know a lot of people, but I have only 6 really good friends – and 2 really really good friends.
    I been living abroad for so many years and we haven’t talked that regular to each other and it has been me phoning because I had SKYPE for years and years. Every time I came home for visit .. or when I moved back home – they were all there .. like I haven’t been gone at all – and 23 years is a long time. True friendship means that we will always be there for each other, but it doesn’t have to be every day.
    This a wonderful tribute to your best friend, hope she will get a chance to read it.


  3. Good post, Terry. I have a friend with whom I started Kindergarten and we were in the same class except 2 all the way through elementary and high school. We are still friends though we rarely see each other more than once a year, sometimes less. We just pick up where we left off as if we saw each other the previous week. It’s wonderful to have good and faithful friends who don’t expect us to be perfect or something else we are not.


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