Please Help If You Can

Vomit in Trever Bathroom

I have a friend who needs support from friends. I don’t know her personally but have followed her blog for some time.

I did reblog it but I wanted to go one step further and post with her link in it.

I am personally not familiar with binging, but this friend is. Right now she is so miserable. She is bleeding from throat problems from vomiting so much. She starves and then binges and vomits. She needs to take her seizure medication but can not at this moment with her bloody espophegus.

Here is her link if you or if you know someone that has gone through this and may have words of support and comfort.



38 thoughts on “Please Help If You Can

  1. Terry, I blog with someone who has been through this but is in the healing process…so I linked her to your site and then she can follow the link you gave. She is in a different time zone so may not see till a few hours from now….Diane


    • I have had the biggest support group myself going through the sadness of placing my brother in a nursing home. i only hope that someone can be of help to her as much as all of you have helped me


  2. God bless you, Terry, and your tender heart full of love. I don’t know enough about this to feel like I could help, but I am praying and I shared this with a sweet blogger who has been there.


  3. your kind heart is reaching out to others …I know little about the disease…just that it takles a tole on the body…Karen Carpenter of the “Carpenters” sisieter/brother singing act went through this…Very deep feelings about one’s own self worth…Actually needs professional help…I will pray someone near her gets her the help she needs…mkg


  4. Terry, I wish I knew what to do, but this person need medical help first of all and quickly – it’s something seriously wrong here … You’re such a caring person and you have a massive heart, wonderful that you want to comfort and support her.


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