#FWF Free Write Friday, Childhood Gift

http://kellieelmore.commy mom and dad


Write about your most memorable childhood gift. Was is a Christmas gift? A Birthday gift? Was is something you really wanted or was it a surprise that ended up holding a sentimental place in your heart? What do you remember? How did it make you feel?

I was really a lucky kid when I look back at birthdays and Christmas Day. I didn’t ask for things like kids do today. My requests were all about dolls and bikes. Normal things, not too pricey.

There were no iPad, and cell phones. So I didn’t get yelled at or hear things like, what in the world are you thinking? Do you think we are made out of money? You better rewrite that list.

It didn’t matter what age I was I always received what I asked for. I didn’t give it much thought back then. What kid does? All I knew is what i wished so hard for I got. There were two Christmas Day’s and one birthday that I remember better than any others.

One year when I was about 7, I received a Chatty Cathy Doll.chatty cathy The next year when I was 8, I received Baby Thumbelina.

thumbelina1These two photos are exactly like the dolls I owned. The year I turned ten for my birthday I received my very first brand new bike.

Large_Classic_Schwinn_CruisMine was just like this but it was apple red.

As I stated in the beginning I was a lucky kid. Oh, it wasn’t because I received the gifts I wanted more than anything.

It was because I had a new Mom in my life. I came from a broken home and Mom did her best. She had no training. She was just thrown into the situation. We were here first children she cared for.

I think that now that I am grown and have my own children and grandchildren;  I can see and understand the pain that children can put us through. I can see how strong Mom was. She did a good job.

Mom if you aren’t too busy hanging out with God, l hope you turn your ear down here on earth and hear me saying, you were the best Mom ever. Love and miss you. I will see you  again.


18 thoughts on “#FWF Free Write Friday, Childhood Gift

  1. My mom was my grandmother. And she went above and beyond to make me happy. To get me what i wanted. I guess I was spoiled. lol. As a kid and before being a parent myself, I didn’t realize what lengths parents will go to out of love. It makes me wish I had been more grateful and not asked for so much. I miss her.
    Thank you for sharing your memory ♥


    • I don’t think any of us kids realize the effort that goes into caring for a child until we have our own. Then we understand. You were very lucky to have a loving grandma! hugs Kellie


  2. How wonderful. Sounds like your mother was sent to you from heaven. I suppose it’s only natural she should go back. I miss my mother too. I like to think she’s happy I keep writing.


  3. Terry, wonderful written … so glad that you got a new mom that loved you and cared for you – and she are the reason for you being the person you’re a today. A wonderful tribute. Plus I think its great you have started to break up your stories with more photos .. make it more easy for me to read .. and more interesting.


      • Terry, my dearest … thank you so much for your lovely words. You mean so much to me too .. only wish we lived closer to each other.


      • I would give my left arm if I thought it could mean we could meet just one time. You mean the world to me, Love and hugs my sweet friend


  4. Pingback: #FWF Free Write Friday; Fall Word Bank | terry1954

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