Me, Myself and I

Tuesday morning. I have been out of the house once for this past seven days. I am going stir-crazy. I have chatted online, talked to my friends on the phone. I have cooked up pots of soup, broken a heart, and now I can’t think of anything new to do; unless it is cleaning and I don’t feel like doing that.

I decided to visit my own beauty shop here in my bathroom. A shower, clean clothes, some goop for my hair, a hair dryer, comb and brush and make-up. I feel a little more perky now, but when I look back at my new look, I hesitate to the thoughts of; does this make me look my real age? Maybe I should stick with the old look.

Now the voting begins. Which photo do you choose as the better look; the old me, or the new me today? Don’t be afraid to be honest. Honesty is what I am looking for. Remember, we are always our own worst critics.

me, nov 14This is the old me


Feb 24The new me.

26 thoughts on “Me, Myself and I

  1. The “new you” gets my vote — the new look isn’t something that screams “Now THERE’S an older woman trying to look young!” like you were thinking it might. Quite the contrary, it’s very tasteful and does make you look more energetic and young, without looking like you’re trying too hard. The “old you” glasses do look great! You can interchange them back and forth with the “new you” glasses without adversely effecting your new look! Hope I haven’t offended, and btw, you look great either way!


    • Thanks Becky. I appreciate your honestly and I have to admit I like your comment. Sometimes I see older ladies and it looks like they painted a mask on their face. I didn’t want to give that impression. Thanks so much


    • Yes, I made my bathroom into a beauty salon. lol, it took up some time and I forgot about the cold weather for a while. hugs, and thank you for your wonderful comment


  2. I think you are beautiful inside and out. I also think that the new look, shorter hair does wonders for your facial features. Forget about the looking your age adage. Perk it up whenever you feel like it. I’m gonna have to help you snap out some of those worry thoughts…you hear me? My daughter told me months ago to start wearing mascara to show how long my lashes actually were. An older lady told me some 30 plus years ago, when you go out of the house, make sure your nails look well, wash your face, maybe a little powder, and put on some lipstick even if going to the grocery store. That was good advice. I love the new look, now go put on some mascara. 😛 I love that color of lip rouge.

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    • Wow, you boosted me up for sure! Mascara, and powder and nails done. I can do that. My thoughts are usually who in the world is going to see me. No one knows me here where I live so who cares…………I guess I need to look at myself different?????? Thanks for the awesome comment!!! I will work harder on my looks outside of my house! love and hugs

      Liked by 1 person

      • I think that lady was telling me to look my best and feel my best. You remember playing in makeup as a kid and prancing around in parents or grandparents heels? Only work harder if it pleases you is the message. Just remember you are beautiful regardless. Love You!

        Liked by 1 person

      • I needed to read this because with the great deal of being alone and no job, I don’t feel pretty or needed anymore so a big, big thank you for your comment

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I like being alone. Eight years and counting…I love Me and my grankids and kids keep me occupied in between church stuff and serving the elderly and homeless. Speaking of that I better get to job hunting when March roles in like a roaring storm. We are expecting another snow storm on tomorrow.


  4. A woman who is talented enough to be versatile with her own image, is a woman who craves and embraces change….she’s inspiring, imaginative, creative, fun, and friendly. Hummmmmm, sounds like someone I know! Nice picture, you look fresh Terry…and, to me, this translates change in your life girlfriend.

    Stay creative… and always follow your heart!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Dianne. Your comment boosted me way up there. Sometimes I think I am way too complicated, and maybe this is why I feel alone sometimes. I spend maybe too much time thinking. I seem to always dissect people and feelings apart trying to figure out how and why things are as they are. I sometimes wish I was simple minded, thinking of the words staring at me instead of biting the words off and chewing on them for a while. I don’t know, but I think I am weird, lol


  5. The shorter hair style is cute..I know hair sure can make a difference on how we feel. I had a lady not too long ago suggest lipstick to me, and I still have not found anything that looks natural to go with my skintone.. And I agree with all of the comments. Go with what makes you feel good..


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