Satan Does Not Want Me To Be Happy

English: Satan as Antichrist

English: Satan as Antichrist (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

That Satan! I would like to get a hold of him and toss him into thin air, to never see or hear from him again.

He plays games with my brother every time Al reads his Bible, causing much stress and grief for him.

Now, today, when I have a build-up of excitement for getting my first break of two hours, he has decided to use my new caregiver to get to me, and try to ruin it. He worked so hard, but he will not succeed, if I have anything to say or do with it.

I received a phone call early this morning from Shannon, the new caregiver for respite care, and she lets me know ahead of time that she may not be able to come. She tells me that all weekend her service engine light kept coming on, in her car, so she had phoned her dad and he was on his way over as we spoke. She was so nice and loving about it all. Her whole goal in the call was to just alert me, so I would not be disappointed if she could not come. She told me that if she couldn’t she would come tomorrow through another way, but she was hoping her dad could solve the issue.

We hung up, and I think I felt what others would, a tinge of disappointment, but I totally understood, things happen in life. So Satan, you can quit trying to get to me through this nice lady.

A couple of hours went by and I started receiving text messages from her brother. He told me that while they had the car hood up, and Shannon and her dad were looking at the car, the hood came crashing down and caught Shannon’s hand in it. I was horrified, asking if she was alright. Her brother tells me that they are on the way to the emergency room, but Shannon was concerned that I was alright with her still not coming today.

My heart went out to her and her family, as they moved quickly to the ER. I haven’t heard anything as of yet, but they will call or text when they return back home.

Satan, you are bound to have your own way, and although you are causing heart ache and pain, you will not win today!

48 thoughts on “Satan Does Not Want Me To Be Happy

  1. Terry, Terry … Satan – it’s not him that make you unhappy – it’s all the circumstances in your life. This Satan – thing you have to stop living with – I don’t care if I upset somebody … Satan is man made – if there is a hell it’s on earth … look at how our world look like with starving, homeless and sick people. It’s just “shit” that happens to us, Terry – and “shit” happens every day to most of us – and I wouldn’t blame my “shit” on anything more than bad luck and circumstance. You stress yourself out with all this talk about Satan. Let it go .. for your own sake. So sorry, to hear about the caretaker – really hurts me to read, but I think it will be solved by tomorrow. Sorry, for being to hard on you – but I care about you. Let Al read the bible if that’s what he want. Don’t mean that you should give up your believes, but stop see Satan in every corner.


  2. oh my goodness, I hope Shannon is alright. I guess satan does what satan does best. She sounds like such an amazing caregiver. The fact that she was thinking about your needs while her hand was crushed is an amazing example of a responsible person.


  3. Terry, the other name for Satan is “Murphy”. Praying for Shannons hand to be healed. Poor baby. You too, Hang in there. Like they say, “If it doesn’t kill you it’ll just make you stronger”. You know, I never did like that saying.



    • Shannon just let me know that there are no broken bones, she will be here tomorrow
      prayers work!!!
      i didn’t know the other name for Satan is Murphy. where did you learn that ?


      • Terry….remember “Murphy’s Law”? Anything that can go wrong, WILL go wrong. I pin it on Satan…well, of course, sometimes it’s really my own bungling when I shoulda listened to Jesus. But anyways, it was just something I kinda made up to blame stuff on Old Scratch 🙂 But you were right in the first place, he’ll do anything he can to steal our joy. Glad to hear about Shannon!


      • thank you. now i understand, because i do know Murphy’s Law, and that seems to be the way the world works. Thanks for explaining my friend, and I like the name Murphy over Satan


  4. Satan knows he was defeated at the cross, but he never stops trying to assert himself in our lives. But “Greater is He who is in us than he that is in the world”. Praise the Lord! Stand strong, Terry, and keep letting him know that you won’t put up with his attacks. Keep the full armor of God on and your weapons of the Word and prayer in use and you can’t fail to defeat him. God bless you and give you an extra special day tomorrow to compensate for the wait. I’m so glad Shannon is OK.


    • thank you Diane. I still plan to go to the lake and take photos…….we need rain so bad, but i hope for dry weather for just those two hours, lol. I am trying my best to keep strong


      • I don’t know what I believe – I was brought up as a fundamentalist Christian but it freaks me a bit – the whole Satan thing. I guess if reading the Bible makes Al upset, something is wrong (like the OCD I mentioned before) that has nothing to do with God or Satan. I certainly believe in God


      • reading the bible makes Al happy, but it seems that he wrestles with Satan for reading the bible. i have never even considered that there wasn’t a Satan, but that is the way I was raised to believe. I see you and Viveka’s points also, and never judge anyone for their beliefs


      • I don’t know but somehow this acknowledgement of Satan for Al and for you seems unhelpful – is there any way you can tell Al that Satan is actually an ugly little toad (or something like that)? This would disempower the Satan idea …. maybe?


      • i love the way you describe him as an ugly little toad. i like this better also. no i can not say this to al in reality because he does believe in God and Satan. he would think i am a liar, and at this time in his life i don’t want to be the one to make him upset, i leave that to the disease


  5. ‘He worked so hard, but he will not succeed, if I have anything to say or do with it.’

    Amen!! That’s awesome, Terry. It is a blessing to me to hear others speak out against the powers of evil. The bad guy will do everything, everything imaginable to keep us from peace, joy, and most importantly, a relationship with God. So glad to see you’re not going to let him win. Sending prayers of strength and determination your way! Have a great day.

    PS – Take a look at James 4:7 if you have a minute. It might encourage you with what you’re talking about here 🙂


      • Thank you Terry, that is very sweet of you. I know I’m undeserving, but I am appreciative of you’re kindness in thinking of me.
        I can’t put as much as I’d like to into blogging in a personal way on my blog because as much as I admire the great writing, as well as the relationships I see that many of you develop, I have to face facts, I just don’t have the ability a lot of you do to put your thoughts into words. I am however, a spiritual abuse survivor, and I seem to be driven along the lines of getting the warning out there so others may not fall into these traps.
        By the way, I can relate to your personal struggle, because I took care of both my parents in their final years. It was very challenging and frustrating at times, but also very rewarding. All said and done, I’ve never regreted it, or felt like it was a sacrifice. On the contrary, it was one of the richest experiences of my life, as I look back on those years. This is life and we must take it as it comes, and enter into God’s rest, trusting that He is Sovereign, and will work all things to the good.
        Anyways, dear heart, thank you for the sweet thoughts. Jesus bless you and Al richly~



      • and this is one reason i chose you, because you understand what i am going through…………just enjoy it, that is what i wish for you


  6. I would say …you are definitely being used by God…to show others how you will react in all that is happening…To be used by God is so awesome…although hard for our human mind to comprehend…Just keep leaning on Him and asking for guidence…It is the way!…~mkg


      • Terry, try to remember the Lord does not give us more than we can handle even though we feel as if we are at our wits’ end (or our rope’s end) and He gives us what we need to go through or He will provide a way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13). He obviously believes in you that you are capable of walking through this trial and He is going through it with you. He feels every pain you feel, every sorrow you feel, but He offers Himself to you to sustain you in this and every trial.


      • i m trying diane, but i don’t see others dealing with this day after day, i don’t understand why…………………….so much


      • when you talk about the right hand and his hand around my shoulder, this is very close. i will definitely trudge on for Al. i will not disappoint him if i can help it


  7. There are some things the Lord doesn’t intend to explain to us. We just have to keep going in faith. He knows you love Him and that you will not disappoint Him. You are doing a wonderful job with Al and I have seen a big change in you for the good since I started following your blog. You are stronger than you realize. I know it’s tiring, exhausting, but He gives us His strength because He knows we don’t have enough of our own. And I know how frustrating it can be to trudge through day after day of situations you can’t understand or see the end of. I have done it in different circumstances from yours but just as baffling and draining. But He is with you. Isaiah speaks about the Lord holding our right hand with His right hand. Think about that for a moment. The only way two people can walk together holding each other’s right hand is if Jesus has His arm around you in order to take your hand. Picture that – how close He is, how intimate a position that is, and be comforted by it.


  8. Pingback: Satan Never Learns « Daily Aspects

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