I Fear Not Your Power

Oh winds you show your power today

My senses feel the hidden forces

It makes me tremble and shiver

As I know what you have done before

Windows rattle shutters bang

Dead leaves tossed in mid-air

Children buried inside their coats

Trying to walk against your winds

Could it be you are trying to help

Clean our land from before

Debris and already dead

Being hurled about

Tossing it on mounds of old

Giving way to new and clean

Ready for a season of growth

Or are you rebelling that your time

Has almost come to and end

And your tears show in sorrow

That you do not want the morrow near.

What ere your reason for what you do

I will be patient and watch your work

For I know that your time here is short

As a new birth of a season draws yet closer

Open your mouth and curl your lips

And give it all you have

I will pray for safety and strength

We will beat you at your game

You will not destroy what we

English: Holly Beach, La., October 3, 2005 - P...

Have worked so hard

We will be hiding behind the rock

For you will tire and need some rest

And you will leave us once again.

Terry Shepherd


13 thoughts on “I Fear Not Your Power

  1. Pingback: Morse Cold « Catherine Johnson

  2. I hate snow but love storms but that could be because here is the UK where I live they are not really life threatening I love nature unleashing her power reminding us as humans how small and fragile we are and that no matter what we do to the earth nature will reclaim it for herself when she is ready


    • we take nature so much for granted until a storm arises, but the truth be known you are exactly right. we are but small specks taking space here on earth. there is a much higher power that can take control of our lives within moments notice


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