Heart & Soul

I am always amazed at people in general. It is common to have Al stared at. Either through innocence or rude remarks. Making fun of people is the coldest form of human communication that is used.

Even co-workers at work through gossip is nasty. It never fails, the words being said always are returned to the ears of the one being gossiped about. Children are usually the only ones I smile at. I take the time to explain what may be fearful to them. They are such precious babies walking this big earth.

My neighbor lady is in her late eighties and her favorite pass time is gossiping about us neighbors. It has caused friction. There will be no conversation between two and then that ends as another part of the soap opera continues.

A lot of us think we hold higher ground on this earth than we actually do. By this I mean we say we will do this or we will go there, or we will be at a certain point by the year___. These are good incentives to use for various situations.

But the real truth is we don’t know what tomorrow brings. If I am very honest we don’t even know what the next minute will bring. God is in complete control over our bodies, not us. Although we need to remain motivated, and we do need goals.

Can you imagine what we would be like if we didn’t plan? If we walked like Adam and Eve in the garden, just accepting the next moment? It seems nice and it must be a totally different way of living.

Wiping a way the stress and worries. Not wondering about the next hour. Enjoying everything we have right now.

I am speaking to you like this because there are the go-getter minds in the world. There are the I will not stop until I win people. There are the minds that are gentle. There are also people who no matter how you light the fire under them, there will never be any motivation.

It takes all kinds to make the world go round, right? I hear life would be boring if we all thought the same. I have to admit if there were more than one of me running around this world we would be a bunch of softies. We need power to a point, we need affirmation. We need ideas.

When I look at people who were not blessed with understanding how life works I feel sad. There are those that do live in the second only, I tend to feel bad for them, afraid they will be taken advantage of or abused.

I worry about the people lost in the cracks, wishing I was the one who could make a difference. We tend to believe that the mentally challenged fall into this category. We take care of them. We take a part of our life and give it to that one person. We think there is not much they can do to help us. It is us who will always help them.

I don’t know if I think that way or not. I surely hope not. When Al was not sick and only mentally challenged I took him everywhere I went. I thought of him as my brother who just needed a helping hand.

When he came to me and told me he wanted to donate his body I was thrown aback. When he commented he wanted to give a gift to someone so they would not hurt like he is, I cried.

He is mentally challenged and yet he is so brave. Can disabled have such thoughts? Of course, my brother just proved it. You see he is not looking past the gift. He is not thinking about what will happen to his body after being used. He is not thinking about the gross crap that goes with it.

He is looking at the rainbow minute.rainbow 2 The now, the present moment. How beautiful is that?

You can ask me to explain to him what will happen to him through this process of donation, but why would I want to discolor his mind. His gift is innocent, it is real, it is sincere. I am not sure if I can do what he wishes. I have learned it can be a bit pricey.

What I did learn is a valuable lesson. It doesn’t matter about the tomorrows. It isn’t only the early bird who gets the worm. It is the heart, the soul and the mind. No matter what level of intelligence we each are, we all have the same important parts. Heart and soul.

11 thoughts on “Heart & Soul

  1. Terry, I just checked online and it looks as though donating the whole body to science should not cost you anything. The best way to do it is before he dies so he can sign his own consent forms. Here is an article from Fox News you might be interested in reading. http://www.foxnews.com/story/2007/06/13/how-to-donate-your-body-to-science/ In Canada many universities accept these donations free of charge if they are in the same province as the donor. You might want to look into it in a little more detail.


  2. One might think that Al’s slightest understanding of what he intends to do may not be clear to him at all. But no. I firmly believe, that for Al to even think of such a selfless and tremendous act of generosity under his conditions, is one supreme act of unqualified and selfless expression of human love in the noblest way possible. Could there be a greater gift to the world than the self?

    On another point, those who don’t see and realize the suffering and pain in others, but would rather poke fun out of it to entertain themselves or whatever, pity them. True, we all have important body parts- heart and soul, but theirs are sick; very sick.


    • I agree with you very much. Al had been mocked and teased most of his life. I used to hit the kids on the bus for teasing him. I didn’t get in trouble for hitting because my granddad was the bus driver!


      • Terry,
        I do in the center of my heart believe/know that Al, deep inside, at a very special level, understands life in a way we cannot, and that he truly understands, in more senses of that word than 99% if the people on the planet, truly understands or, more than that even, knows intuitively and without a single thought needed, that this is a part of himself that he wishes/desires to give back to someone else, a total stranger….it is a gift of love, and I suspect you have learned much from Al and I hope that it continues on. Al, and you, are teachers by example to the rest of us :)) and, boy, do we ever need them…the constant bullying of anyone who is 1/100th of a degree different than the supposed norm (no such thing) sickens me still, I still fight against that when I see it, I still fight with trying to teach people….Al was born with a beautiful soul, a very far reaching and loving soul…you are right that Al is only thinking of good, of how he can help others, not of himself, and that is a pure soul born. My thoughts are with you Terry…I am not some kind of new age person, just have, over the years learned what love is and is not, and Al is filled with love…


  3. Everybody, disabled or not, any race, any colour has love inside and some can express it better than others. Al can express and make himself understood easily. He has a wonderfully big heart and so mcuh love inside him as you have too. This is a beautifully piece of writing and it warms the heart! Much love Terry!


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