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Earlier today I posted about the strange things that happened here at home. The TV all of a sudden going very loud. The opening and closing of the front door when no one was there.

Late this afternoon, a nephew of mine came over for a bit. When he got ready to leave, the same door opened and closed again. He jumped back. I explained what happened earlier and he hiked it out of here very quickly.

I have had now three experiences today. Al is unaware of any of these, the same as I am unaware of his chats with our Mom in heaven. The only way I know about them is when I caught him talking to her earlier today or if he volunteers information.

I have had several comments stating that this is not abnormal as Al reaches heaven’s door. In fact, some of you have told me of your own personal experiences. Some think it is impossible for this to happen and yet others think I am a nut case.

I have never read another post on WP that expresses any of this topic.

I am new to this. I have taken care of my Father up until he died in my arms, but nothing unusual happened that I saw or he talked about. The only thing I noticed was that the dog would not leave his side in the last week of  his life.

If anyone would be willing to share an experience I would love to read it. I am not trying to pry into your life or even bring up sad memories. I am trying to understand, to be able to converse with Al on a better level.

No pressure at all from me. Just an invitation to share if you would like.

I think heaven has to be beautiful. I think it would be fantastic to know my parents are here and protecting or watching out over me as they are doing for Al. I think it would be awesome to walk to heaven holding a loved one’s hand. In some little way it is taking the fear out of my own death.book4spirit world

A True Story, A Little Scare

I have a little shiver that just ran through my body. Did you ever have that feeling something is not right? Or someone is in your home but you don’t see anyone?

Al woke up alright today. I washed him up, and fixed him breakfast. He had a banana nut muffin, scrambled eggs, two sausage links and apple juice.

Afterwards, I shaved him and trimmed all the hairy parts that seem to grow only on a man’s head or face, or maybe both. LOL

I put him in his lift chair and he listened to his audio tape player with the New Testament on it.new testament

I made a cheese cake for his lunch and when the time was right, he had new  baby potatoes, meat loaf, corn and cheesecake. I was doing what I had to do since he refused his meals yesterday and I won. He ate 100% on both meals.

He started the sweating thing and the tremors are back but they aren’t too bad. He is so cold and clammy to the touch. It sort of gives me an odd feeling when I touch him.

After lunch was over he tried to use the toilet with no success. I changed his brief and put him in bed. As I was coming out of his bedroom I went and got the clean laundry I had done from his bed change this morning.

As I walked back in to his room I  heard him say, ” I love you Mom.”

I didn’t say anything and walked back out of his room. As I passed the front door, the screen door closed. I instantly turned around to see who was there. No one was there. I don’t know why but I opened it and closed it again, making sure it was latched.

I looked out on the ramp and I saw no one. It made me have a hint of shivers but I just ignored it. It must have been the wind I thought. I walked a way from the door and then I got scared.

The television that has been on the same channel all day and at the same volume was suddenly blaring. It was so loud it made me jump in my spot. I raced over to grab the remote and turn it down. I had to click the volume button a few times before I got the volume back to a normal hearing level.

With this being the second startle I slowly checked out the house. I started with my bedroom, and made my way through the house. I saw nothing. Although I had just came from Al’s room I went back there one more time; just to check. Al was talking to Mom.

I left his room and came out here and sat down at the computer. I heard the cat eating, but when I glanced over the cat wasn’t there. I don’t know what the explanation is but someone or something is definitely here.


Daily Prompt; Name that..You

http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2013/09/02/daily-prompt-identity/#like-35836, DP, Daily Prompt

Do you know the meaning of your name, and why your parents chose it? Do you think it suits you? What about your children’s names?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us IDENTITY.

My name is not a bad combination. Teresa Jane.  The name Teresa means in Spanish,” saint”. Or in English it means ” harvester.”saintharvester

But in my eyes it means nothing really. As I was called by my nick name since a very young girl, Terry.

When I hear my proper name being used, I think back to when I was in trouble with my Mom. Teresa Jane please come here.

That meant trouble. What did I do wrong this time?mother mad Today if I hear my proper name it has to be voiced from a stranger. Someone on the other end of the phone line, verifying who I am. Just like in the military. Name, serial number, age.drill-sergeant

My middle name is something I now am not so proud of. I used to be.

I  used to think I was special because I was named after a friend of my real mother.

But after making repeated visits to get to know this real woman, given the undeserved title of mother, I am no longer proud.

When I hear the word Jane today, I don’t even acknowledge. They must be talking to someone else. It must be a stranger calling out to me.danger

When I used to hear my Dad calling my name I went running.

For years he was my idol, my hero, my everything.hero

Once I started caring for my brother I saw the word hero being slowly erased from the blackboard.

Now the word love remains and the good memories that I shared with him while growing up.blackboard_math

So all in all my name is my own.

Created and formed from many angles.

Today, I prefer to be called Mom, friend, Aunt, or just me, Terry.dad and me

Below is a photo of me and my Dad.