The Loss of a Child

I have found a group called M.S.A. on Facebook and it is a second home to me. There are so many supporters for this terrible disease. People know what is happening. I can ask questions about this illness and there are so many hugs.

My first home is here at WP so I feel especially blessed to have such a large, extended family coming from all sides.

My daughter and I were able to speak for a few minutes last night. I asked her questions that I did not understand, and it felt so good to have her take the time to answer me. I don’t always like the answers I am told. I don’t think any of us really want to face that giant wall of knowing we are facing death of a loved one.

Yesterday I learned that another precious adult child was taken to heaven. The mother posted her loss.  The grief that is in a parent to lose a child before they, themselves have taken leave, I would think would be devastating.

My Grandma has lost two of her daughters to God. Each time it happened my Grandma would say the same thing. ” It should have been me first, not them. I am the Mom.”

I can’t say that I know exactly what she is feeling as I am blessed to have my own children with me, but I can feel her pain.

My loss of words could not be spoken to Lucille but I am able to write in word what I feel. I wrote her this poem this morning and I thought, maybe my friends here at WP would like to see it also.

Here it is;                                                                            babybook4AnimatedCandleThoughtandPrayersM.S.A. logo

It doesn’t seem right
It doesn’t seem fair
We give birth to a baby
He is with us every where.
We grow older
He grows up
He brings us smiles
As he sips from a cup.
Our hair begins to gray
He is thriving in school
We tear as he graduates
He has learned every tool.
We settle into retirement
He is told he is ill
We take our morning coffee
While he takes his pills.
Then one day we cry
As he left our arms for God
We stand at his grave
And look down at the sod.
It doesn’t seem fair
It doesn’t seem right
That we are still standing
But he lost his fight.
Written by
Terry Shepherd
In dedication to
Lucille C.


8 thoughts on “The Loss of a Child

  1. What a beautiful poem, there are no words for the loss of a child or in my case two; however, they are with me every moment. They were gone in the moment of one breath one day apart. I have stop asking why as there is never an answer for me. My heart is with you and all loved ones whom must travel this road to reuniting. My heart is with you. I love your blog, it does at time hold me up when I am unable to walk alone. Please keep writing. Ann


    • Ann your words bring comfort to me and my heart aches for your loss. Death is inevitable but when it comes too early life seems so unfair. I love your outlook on life. You are a very strong woman. I will continue to write as long as it lifts another soul. Hugs my friend


  2. There is no understanding of how a mother feels when she loses a child at any age or in any way. When you carry a child under your heart giving them their daily sustenance their lifes blood and then to lose that child there are now words or feelings another can say or feel that will ease that kind of pain.
    We all suffer and grieve loss of very close loved ones and we feel empathy and compassion when others suffer those losses as well but to lose a child is unfathomable.


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