
Standing in front                                                

Of the mirror

Seeing someone

I have visited before

But now red eyes

And teary stained face

Look back at me

As I miss

My baby tonight

Come back my love

Forget what I said

Words were spoken

Before it was thought

I don’t want to

Live another

Night without you

Please forgive

Me for hurting

You so

Don’t make me suffer

As I have suffered

Enough for the

Two of us

Don’t make me

Reach out to

An empty pillow

Please my baby

Please come home

Terry Shepherd



green teary eye

MIllion Dollars

Bed Jump

I helped tuck Al in last night. Made sure he was comfy and the urinal was at his side on the rail of the bed. I urged him to go to his room at 12:15am, and he didn’t put up a fuss, especially, when I told him he could continue to watch TV in his own room.

He looked pretty set when I left his room, and I drug myself to my own bedroom. I turned my fan on and without even trying, my head hit the pillow and I was out. I believe all the prayers, plus my being so exhausted, and the fact, that if all went alright, Al would not get out of bed for any reasons, I slept like a baby.

I am not even ashamed to tell the world that along with my nap, and sleep in my own bed, I slept a total of 11 hours. I woke up at 8:30. I thought to myself, wow! I feel like a million dollars. What can I conquer today!

I heard my brother moving around, so went and helped him get up, freshened up, clean brief, and clean clothes on. Came out to the kitchen and whipped him up some eggs, and poured me a hot cup of java, and now here, long enough to tell you about my million dollar night!

Even though it is drizzling and gloomy, I feel so good. Thank you Jesus, thank you friends, thank you world!!!

I think I will clean the house today. I don’t think I will be trying to take Al out with the weather being nippy and wet. I don’t want him to catch a cold, so turn my electric fireplace on, turn the soft music on, light my candles, and dance to the sweeper!!!!

A Peek Inside

I have been blogging now almost three months, and I often wonder what name hides behind the WordPress names that I respond to. I have wondered what you look like and do not always know what area you are from. I have decided to share with you a little about myself through pictures I have taken through the years. The top photo is of me, and the one beneath is my brother. This is my eldest child, a daughter, with her husband, and one of their daughters standing with them,at the bottom of the page. This little girl,third photo down, is another one of my granddaughters. The little boy on the bike is also a grandson to me. The sixth photo down is the mother of the little boy on the bike. She is the one in the bottom left hand corner. They are a part of my youngest son’s family.The photo under these words with a  young man holding the little girl and the boy sitting beside him is my youngest son and his two children, more of my grandchildren. The young man sitting alone, is my middle son. Now I have shown you my three children. Mom, me and son together, next to the bottom. Son-in-law and his son, my grandson together,third from the bottom. My daughter and her daughter, my oldest grandchild,eighth from top. My entire family minus the middle son, one granddaughter and one more grandson. I love them all, and wish they were all living near me. Things that I enjoy doing are taking photographs. Here is one I took of tree leaf reflections. Here are two I took of the skies after the storm. I also love antiques and blogging. Well here is my sweet family, and some photos of nature. I have lived in Indiana all of my life except a short time when I lived in Florida. There is nothing more important to me than living for God and my family.  Thank-you for stopping by and getting a better peek of who I am.

When I Am Finished

You can see the patterns in the sky of God’s travel all over the world, watching out for each of us, staying near our sides, never leaving us. The glow in  the distance is proof that he does live, leaving brightness in hope, and a warmth that we can remain in while he takes our worries away. The small entry hole in the tree is his love that is shining through our hearts, as we speak to others about the wonders of God, also taking away the darkness of unbelievers, letting in a bit of light and hope into their empty hearts. The shadows cast past griefs and sorrows, pains and despairs that God has already healed. The zipper in the sky is our entrance to heaven, where we will be greeted by our heavenly father. Our hearts and faces lift to the sky and imagine us being lifted from this life right into  the unzipped layers of another life, that we can now only dream and  imagine about. My Lord, I give you thanks for the trials and tribulations that you place upon my heart. For without these, I would learn nothing. I would not learn to place my faith and hope in you. I would be wandering this world in gross confusion. Before, I go on my way, I glance upwards one more time to the zipper and smile, letting God see the love that I have for him. I will be in your arms one day soon, my Lord, as soon as I am finished with the work you have given me to do.

Dedicated to Bonita