I Am Afraid

blackness all around. no matter where i am i lay in darkness. i lost it all. i was always afraid of losing, but i knew i couldn’t stop it. i prayed about it. please, god, take this idiotic thought process out of my mind and heart. i belong to you and you know when I am going to leave. But God,,,,,,,I don’t want to go. I have kids and grandkids. I want to see them grow up and get married. I want to have a relationship with a good guy God, before you call me. I have to finish what I have been doing here first. Please don’t take me now. why am i so scared? what is there to be scared of? how could i not be so excited about seeing you and seeing the beautiful house that i will live in? the tears come streaming down my face as my head hangs low, realizing that i am looking at my life for my own selfish reasons,and forgetting, or not wanting to acknowledge that my life isn’t mine. it belongs to god. he is in charge of what i do and complete here on earth, not me. i know as of now, that my fears were silly, and that my work here is done, because now i am looking up into my father’s eyes and he has his arms wrapped around me. please, god, i whisper to him and he bows his head closer to hear me. please let me tell my children i love them. he told me, they know my dear child. for you have shown them over and over and they feel the love that you had for them at this moment. you did a good job, and your job was done. this is why you are here with me. terry shepherd

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