From Morning Until Noon

My name is Will or Policeman as (arresting) model

My name is Will or Policeman as (arresting) model (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I felt a sense of genuine loneliness when I awoke this morning. I

dramatic dream

dramatic dream (Photo credit: unNickrMe)

had a dream, and it was only the last part, as I was coming around that I remembered. I had met a nice policeman, who was also single. He liked Al very much. He came to the house and we spent quality time together, along with him fixing things I needed fixed here. The way he and Al got along was more than to my wildest dreams, and then I woke up.

I actually laid there in bed, not wanting to face the day. My heart ripped open for the realization of my dream not being real.

I know my responsibilities though, and forced myself to move forward. I started Al’s breakfast, making fried potatoes, eggs and toast for him. He was out of frozen breakfast items, so I needed to be a fill in cook for this meal.

His caregiver came by and his shower was given. He came out of the bathroom crying. Last night we had another session of going over his fear of dying. No Satan, no God, just fear of death. I took Ed’s advice,a blogger friend on WordPress, and I opened Al’s Bible and found different verses of what heaven would be like. I read to him and marked three for him to look at later by himself, as he needed comfort. I read how all of his pains will be gone. I told him how we would be able to have all of his tremors leave. Heaven was a wonderful place, that there was nothing to fear. After an hour-long discussion, he seemed settled down and the tears and questions stopped, only to start again this morning.

I really miss the other caregiver we had for so long. She was very compassionate and took the time with Al to sit and hold his hand or comfort him with her words. She always left behind a smile on Al’s face when she walked out the door. This new caregiver is here to do a job, a shower. There is not much interaction other than business related.

Soon, I got the tears to stop and we went to the grocery store. It was that time again. It went very well. Al rode the scooter, and watched people pass by. I was able to concentrate quite a bit better, even though the final grocery bill didn’t show it. We were in the store about an hour and then we checked out.

On our way out the door, I asked Al, where did we park the car? Usually, I make a mental note to myself, so I do not feel foolish wandering about the parking lot, but today, I did forget this valuable notation. Al thought we had parked in this one row so we headed down it, but no car. I tried the next row, no car. I was getting a little worried, because Al’s knees were starting to buckle, and I knew he could not stand much longer. I cursed myself for not having him ride the scooter all the way to the car, but it was too late now. I kept him in place and I went looking through the rows. Where was that stupid car?

An employee on her way in to go to work, stopped and must have seen the worry on my face. She asked if she could help me. I laughed out loud, and told her I was looking for our car. She glanced at Al and immediately went back to her car and drove it up to Al and helped him climb in her front seat. Oh wow, what a nice lady! She sat with him while I searched for the car, finding it two more aisles over. She drove him to it, and while I unloaded the groceries, she helped him get into the front seat and buckled him in. She tried to make me feel better by telling me she has also done this before, forgot where she had parked. I thanked her and told her how much I appreciated her help. Sometime before this day is over, I will ask God to bless her for the help she brought to me. Al didn’t fall, and I found our car.

Al is still not feeling well, but he did eat his lunch I have just prepared, but I have noticed that he is lying down now. His legs hurt. He is tired of the tremors. His body is exhausted. Going to the grocery store is hard on him. Actually, every movement he makes is exhausting for him. He is losing sleep because of the tremors, and is starting to doze off more through the days. I hope the rest of the day is better for him. I want to see one smile before he goes to bed tonight.


Smile-upload (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Front left of car

Front left of car (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Jared's Grocery Store Theory

Jared’s Grocery Store Theory (Photo credit: redjar)


Casket (Photo credit: ambergris)


39 thoughts on “From Morning Until Noon

  1. I work in a supermarket and I know how draining it is so I also know what a special lady you met today who went out of your way to help you (lets face it none of us actually enjoy the going to work bit) working there she will have experienced all sides of human behaviour and I dont need to tell you that some of it isn’t very nice. If you have time and want to put a smile on her face drop a thankyou note in next time you visit the store. too many times the only feedback we in this line of work ever hear are from unhappy customers usually upset by something out of our control but we take the backlash. I can honestly say getting positive feedback for something that means so much to you even though it was just her nature to help will mean so much


    • i agree Paula. I was planning on placing a thank you to her in a section in our newspaper where all thank yous go, but maybe she would not notice or read it. a more personal thank you would be much more appropriate. thank you for letting me on this side of the employee


  2. I agree with buckwheatsrisk… it was either an “angel unawares” or a woman with a genuine love for others. Either way…it was nice.
    BTW… I don’t lose my car, because I no longer drive. But I did lose my glasses a while back, looked all over, re-traced my steps. Couldn’t find them anywhere. Had to use to bathroom and as I walked in, I noticed my reflection in the mirror. OOPS—> I had them on my face the entire time. (LOL repeatedly)


    • o i am so excited you shared this with me!!!!! i know this just has to be me getting older, but i will look for my glasses in the mornings when i wake up. you know we each have a routine each morning. often i am wearing them, but still looking for them in other spots thinking where did i put them???. i am not sure if it is an age thing, or that my brain is not awake with me the same time i wake. lol


  3. Terry, you didn’t mention it, but did you also pray with Al? The other day oi got turned around at WalMart for a few minutes. It happens to all of us.

    Walk daily with God at your side!



  4. I know that feeling – have to tell you a story .. about a lost car too. My friend was going to pick me up at Heathrow Airport in London and she was a bit late, so she drives in the parking house – a massive one .. and rush in to the terminal. Well when we was going to pick up the car – she didn’t have a clue where she parked it – not even the floor. Toke us 2 hours to find the car. What a fantastic lady that helped you with Al – that makes me believe in us humans, when I read sunshine stories like this. There is angels out there – but they hide.
    Understand that this adventure has made him mentally tired – he will be okay tomorrow.
    Love your photo of the British bobby.


    • thank u Viveka! wow, that would be awful to not be able to find your vehicle in the airport garage. two hours, I would be so upset with myself. lol. thank u for the compliment on the photo also!!!


  5. Terry, if you find a bright tennis ball and put a slit in it, then stick it on your radio antenna, then you will be able to look above all the cars and see the tennis ball to spot your car. We use to have a white sailor ball from Jack in the Box on our antenna and it was such a big help when I didn’t make a mental note of where the car was. You could even put glitter nail polish of a different color in dots on the ball and that will make it glisten, and look different than any other tennis balls too.


    • what an excellent idea!!! i often wonder why my brain does not think of these simple solutions. i have to make it hard for myself, hehe. I will do this, the next time i go to the store i will get the tennis ball.
      thank you!!!!


  6. Terry, someone so sweetly helped you–but you gave her the opportunity to help, and being able to help feels wonderful. I’m so sorry that your dream was not real, that Al is not sleeping as well, that the new caregiver is not so compassionate. Who can think of every little detail at every moment (like where a car is parked) when there are sooo many important things that occupy your mind? That you are so tender, caring, and as upbeat as you are is — near miraculous. Yes, I think you are an angel too, an angel in Al’s life.
    When things were Very Bad in my life, I often was so preoccupied that where I parked the car was the least of my worries, until I couldn’t find it! A friend of mine said to always park in the same row of the food market (or any other frequently visited store), so that even if sometimes having to park farther down the row, you’d know where to go. Prayers and hugs, ~ Lily


    • that is a good idea. i thought in my mind originally, that i will park the car in line with the store sign, but there were no open spots, so my mind didn’t hold the information that i had to go several rows over. i think it was meant to be though, like everything else in the world. God wanted to show me that angels are around Al and me


  7. I am so thankful that someone helped you like that in the parking lot! Thank you , Jesus. And so thankful for how you help Al, angel Terry, and comfort him throughout the day and night. Praying for Al tonight, for rest and peace and a special comfort from Jesus for him. And for you too, sweet lady . .. the same!


    • i wish that Al could sleep better also. his tremors do not rest at night, and this keeps him awake longer and longer, sometimes not going to sleep until around three am. we all realize we need our beauty rest in order to function properly through the day. i wish for something to help him but the doctors have nothing for this problem


  8. What a beautiful story, Terry. It’s so encouraging to know there are still people out there who are ready to do a service out of love and not for pay. I have also lost my car and even with 3 or 4 of us looking it still took some time. Everybody thought I had parked it in a different place. And that wasn’t a large parking lot! So now, like Lily, if I’m at a larger mall, I park in the same section whenever I go there.

    Dreams often convey a message from the Lord. For example, House – represents the person; their life; one’s spiritual state. (Matt. 7:24-27, II Tim. 2:20-21) I am no expert on dream interpretation, and of course all dreams are not a message from the Lord. But I do have a lot of dreams and visions that are messages from the Lord either for myself or for the church. Sometimes they are a warning, sometimes they are about the future, sometimes the present. Sometimes they reveal the answer to a problem or a specific situation. I see your dream as symbolic of the Holy Spirit (policeman = a symbol of authority) in your life (house) as He interacts with you and Al. The policeman came to fix things in your house. I see this as the Lord coming to “fix up” areas in your life that need repair–probably those areas you have, out of necessity, neglected to care for. Like taking time to pamper yourself. The fact that you felt so good in the dream is a good sign. This is what the Lord wants to do for you. I may not be correct, but I would suggest you pray about it to see if the Lord will give you any specific revelation about it.


    • i have always wondered what dreams mean and have looked through books but getting no real answers. i like what you have said here, your explanations. i will pray about this, and see what God says. thank you for this comment. it means a lot to me


  9. I’m going to try this again. I had a comment almost finished and somehow lost the page!

    There are a couple of sites online with Christian dream symbols. This is the one I use once in awhile:
    I also have the book “Dream Language” by James and Michal Goll and another of Goll’s books called “The Seer” that I sometimes find helpful. The latter I purchased through and paid only $4.99. You can get “Dream Language” there also for $11.49. I added another to my wish list called “Illustrated Dictionary of Dream Symbols: A Biblical Guide to Your Dreams and Visions” – by Dr. Joe Ibojie which I haven’t read yet but it does have a couple of good reviews. It is $11.49. Their shipping rates are really good as long as you don’t just order one book. I paid $7.50 to ship one book and the next time ordered 5 books and one DVD and paid the same shipping.


    • thank you for letting me know where the online site is. now i want to know, what did you think of the books you have purchased? do they let you know things, or is there still a puzzle where you feel you have to finish putting it together?


      • I find the “Dream Language” useful for the lists of symbols and what they mean, but the main part of the book is not quite what I want. I didn’t buy that one but don’t have a clue where it came from. It was just here one day and I don’t remember where I got it. 🙂 Old age? “The Seer” doesn’t have as many lists but it does have some things not in the other one. But I find the rest of the book more to the point for my purposes at least. I’m looking forward to getting the other one (probably not for another couple of months). I’ll let you know what it’s like once I get it (if you haven’t already bought it – then you can tell me). I checked out some other online sites, but I found them advertising things like horoscopes – things a Christian site shouldn’t have there. So I don’t know if they can be trusted to give accurate Christian symbolism or not. But evidently there are only so many symbols that are considered to be common in dreams, and the rest the person who had the dream needs to discover the interpretation themselves. The symbols are just a guide. Sometimes there is nothing concrete and you need to consider it in relation to your life, circumstances, past, etc. And, as I said, some dreams are not messages from the Lord and have no interpretation.


  10. Success, you have given me a lot of good information. i will try one of these books and see if i can make sense of it. let me know what u think of the new book u r going to get!!!


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