
I am listening to Joyce Meyers right now and she is speaking on Motivation. For the first time since my brother has passed, I have lost my motivation for anything.

It is a sad thing to actually place a name on my feelings. For two years, I have thought of many reasons why I am not writing as  much as I used to. I sleep much more often, I use my camera still quite a bit, but not as much as my heart desires.

I know I miss seeing my kids and grandchildren. I live in one part of the world, and I get to see family and grandchildren. I return to my home town and I get to see the other kids and grandchildren; but not as much as I would like  to.

How can I say, as much as I would like to?

Who’s stopping me from doing what I want? I think a better phrase is what is stopping me. Motivation, what a powerful word.

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t do something without a goal. We work, because a paycheck comes, and if we are lucky, we like our jobs. We go to the grocery store, because we want to eat. We pay our bills, so we can have a place to live.

There is a nagging at my mind as I write this. Do I need professional help, or is this the remains of losing my parents and brother.

I am not sure and even if inside my gut I am sure; what will I do about it.

Is depression and motivation the same? I do believe I get depressed at times because I can’t walk very well anymore. I don’t have the energy I used to. The truth is, I can’t kick the Parkinson’s away, but I need to get another goal going.

It isn’t enough to notice all God’s beauty. It isn’t enough to say thank-you to God for allowing me to wake up one more day. I need to get motivated, and LIVE each day, not just sit and notice.


Thanks for reading this post. It may seem wired wrong or you may be thinking; where is she coming from; but for me, I am actually relieved I have come across the correct noun describing me for the last several months.


noun: motivation; plural noun: motivations
  1. the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.
    “escape can be a strong motivation for travel”
    synonyms: motive, motivating force, incentive, stimulus, stimulation, inspiration, inducement, incitement, spur, reason;

    “his motivation was financial”

Modernized ,  Maybe  Not  

​Modernized ,  Maybe  Not
A telephone  call

I hear your  voice

A letter mailed

With news to rejoice  
A walk in the park

Holding each others  hands

Looking out over the  view

Of God’s  precious  land.
Doorbell  rings

A gift for me

Prettiest  flowers

You ever did see.
Sitting and sharing

An evening  meal

Kids clear the dishes

There are no deals.
Swing on the front  porch

Singing  songs

Watching  the  fire flies

All evening  long.
Yes, gadgets  and  toys

Are mighty  nice

But spending  time together  

There’s  no better life.
Written  by ,  

Terry  Shepherd

Dr. Charles Stanley

Hebrews 4:12-13

Since spiritual discernment is the ability to see life from God’s perspective, it requires that we know how He thinks and acts. The Bible is His unchanging, infallible revelation of Himself. However, the Lord doesn’t simply give us a list of facts about His character and ways. All throughout the pages of Scripture, He illustrates who He is and how He operates.

Although the Bible is ancient, it’s not a dead book. It’s alive and as fresh as if He were speaking directly to you. The stories may have taken place centuries ago, but the principles and applications are current and relevant. It’s our instruction book about how to live. Guidance for decisions and discernment about situations are found from Genesis to Revelation.

God’s Word is active and piercing. The words don’t simply sit on the page. They penetrate our hearts and judge our thoughts and motives. This convicting quality is why some people don’t like to read the Bible. But self-discernment is essential if we don’t want to keep making the same mistakes over and over again. Some Christians live on a surface level, never understanding why they react to situations the way they do. But if we’ll approach the Word of God with an open spirit, it will bring to light our hidden motives and reveal unrecognized sins.

Spiritual discernment involves seeing not just our circumstances but also ourselves from God’s perspective. Have you learned to embrace the piercing sword of Scripture, or have you avoided doing so because it makes you uncomfortable? Remember, God’s Word cuts only so that it can heal.

For more biblical teaching and resources from Dr. Charles Stanley, please visit
