Can We?

Freeze Me

Freeze Me (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Does the mind have a way of protecting itself

Can we place our hurt on hold

Can we freeze words we have heard

So our hearts  don’t feel so cold?

Can we close our ears to the world

Can we shut our eyes from the pain

Can we pretend we feel nothing

Can we say we want nothing to gain?

Can I ask for no news for one day

Can blinders be placed around the  heart

Can I pretend that it is yesterday

When nothing tore us apart?

I want to live this one day

Back when we were innocent and young

When playing with a doll or a truck

And Jesus Loves Me Was Sung.

Terry Shepherd



21 thoughts on “Can We?

  1. Terry, this I understood every word of … so strong and so fragile on the same time. You are so talent … why don’t you try to get your writing published – I wish I could say .. yes, we can … but it’s not so!


    • that is the hardest part of all,,,,,,,,,,,in his time…………we as humans are impatient, and i am guilty of this also. i have waited for five years for a nice man, but i guess in God’s eyes this is only moments


      • I’ve been waiting for 30 years. I still have hope. In the meantime I have developed in so many ways. My life and relationship with God has developed in ways I did not think possible. It crosses my mind sometimes that maybe I am to be like Paul devoting my life to fulfill another purpose. Whatever it is, I’m content but I still have hope.


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