Standing Ovation For my Blogger Friends

I have a big list of to do things laying in front of me. I am dead tired. I slept terrible last night and was up very early. I am getting ready to take a nap, but I could not let the nap begin without first talking to each of you.

The wonder of prayer is bigger than anything experienced here on earth. I curse myself for being a doubting Thomas, but being tired and frustrated makes me weak.

I am so fortunate to be centered with bloggers. I am able to come to you with tears, joy and requests for prayers. I know I do this quite often, but then again, there are many issues going on every day.

For this day, the meeting went wonderful. I met with the doctor. They are going to be sending him to a different neurologists for second opinions. Al was calm today. I managed to not have to involve the television station, news reporters or the State Board of Health for this one time.

I will be keeping these numbers handy as it seems the rain always pours at a steady stream when it comes to my brother.

It was God and the prayers that came from all over the world that helped Al to be able to return to his own room today. To be able to use his weighted silver ware. To wear his shoes, and to have unlimited drinks.

Although I was happy for him and I, I could not let it slip by what the nurse over the weekend has done to me emotionally and to Al abusively. I did meet with the Top Dog of the facility today, and I spilled my guts about everything down to Al not having his teeth brushed and no drinking water.

If she refuses to make a change with this nurse, or the nurse continues this week with her same attitude I will call my numbers. Al is safe and sound, but for me, my eyes are wide open and my ears are on high alert.

Thank-you each one for the circle of prayers. Never doubt that there is a higher ground than the one we walk on. This is my motto from now on, when I am

62 thoughts on “Standing Ovation For my Blogger Friends

  1. Thank you Terry. That is good news and I will continue to pray. Again, I think of a beautiful verse from Psalm 18. It is verse 3 and David said, “I called upon you LORD for you are worthy to be praised. So shall I be saved from my enemies.”
    Get a good night rest.


    • Thank you Pat, and that is an excellent verse. I know problems will come again as they are a part of life. But I know my friends and God are here with me


  2. I’ve gotten so far behind on my blog-reading. Just now catching up, and will continue to pray for you. And God will bless you for the care you are giving to Al.


  3. I am just so tickled that today is so much better for you both, prayer always works. I think you should go ahead and call that state number to at least notify them as investigations take time AND you might be helping someone else that has not an advocate for them.


    • I am as soon as morning comes. They think that kissing our butts helps them escape, but it doesn’t. they must learn that I am a Taurus, a bull!!


      • Hey So am I , turned 62 on the 1st. I am surprised we get along so well…LOL That just means togehter we could rip the roof off that place like two bulls in the china closet :). god bless you Terry I know you are doing all you can and are allowed to do!


      • My birthday is April 21 and Al’s is May 3, so all three of us are bulls!!!!! Yes, we could do some heavy damage!!!!


  4. Terry, so happy that the meeting … went well and that you both had a day that was calm and that gave positive results. Love this sentence – my eyes are wide open and my ears are on high alert – brilliant. Terry, I can understand … you are tired and exhausted,. You will have a good night’s sleep now when everything has been said. I don’t pray … but I think about you two.


  5. Terry, we never get more than we can handle. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. You may not be able to see it now, but its because like you said, you are tired and exhausted. You need to get some sleep. Rest well and you will wake with a clear mind, a positive attitude and you will find that all is well again. Much and hugs and to you.


    • Thanks Lady, I am hoping for a solid night’s sleep tonight with the only thing waking me is the sound of birds, not a phone call like usual. Thanks for being such a good friend. You have brought me comfort and given me strength. I wish I could say the battles are finished, but as long as Al is ill, there will always be something but I will hope for small battles


    • I will always take good things and hope for small battles. Al’s illness hasn’t changed so I know there will be other issues, but I can get through it with God’s help and all of your friendships


    • it is because of your strength in God that I was able to do what I did. I grew tired and weak and God and all of you praying lifted me up. I hope the next battle is a small one


  6. I’m rejoicing with you, Terry. I would do a little dance, but I’m afraid I’d end up in a heap on the floor. Dancing was never my forte, and now with my aching muscles and joints I would hate to see what kind of picture I would make in attempting it. I can trip over my own shadow! I do pray that you get a wonderful and full night’s sleep tonight, but you are going to need a few of those in a row to make up for the lack of sleep lately. You should look into a product called Gaba at the health food store. It is supposed to stop the ‘noise’, the whirling of thoughts that go around the mind when you go to bed and prevent sleep. Also Melatonin supplies the chemical needed to produce sleep. As we get older our brains produce less of it. It might be worth your while to check it out. I have been taking it for a few weeks now. But in the meantime I pray that the Lord will bless you with a truly deep sleep tonight.


    • thank you Diane. I wish I could take a deep sigh and say it is all over, but I know as long as Al’s illness is present there will always be mountains to climb. I am tired and I grow weak, but with God and all of you , I am carried on to the next mountain. Hugs Diane


  7. I am glad today has been a good day…I add my prayers with everyone else’s for all to work out to be like it should be, for both Al, and you. You are a ‘fighter’… I admire you. Love, Gloria


    • thank you Gloria. You know? I like Gloria much better than calling you Granny. It is a respect issue with me, I guess. I know I could not have made it through this mountain if it weren’t for a lot of you friends praying. Because although God was listening, I just couldn’t hear anything. Hugs my friend


      • Terry, I’d be honored for you to call me Gloria. :))) Hugs back to you, sweet person. I can only imagine the mental anguish you are experiencing. I will be so happy when all falls into place, and you and your brother, Al… can be home together where you can feel peace of mind. My prayers are ongoing… Love, Gloria


      • Do you know what? My brother said that when we were helping him try to free himself of drug addiction.

        Only for a short time after saying that… and getting to be drug-free for weeks for the first time in years, and years ….

        We got to hear him say, “It feels good… to feel good”. Not long after that… he ‘fell off the wagon’ so, to speak. He was found dead….

        Anyway… instantly that came to my mind. I ‘know, feel’ that your struggle with all you are experiencing is so much, that your mind, body is exhausted.

        Yes, Terry, it makes so much sense. I feel for you with my heart. Love, Gloria


      • I am so sorry for your loss. That is just awful, but by you confiding in me, I know that you feel what I feel. Thank you for trusting me to tell me a bit of your history


  8. I’m so glad Terry that you got Al some better care. It’s a shame when you come across the terrible care that often comes in situations like this, but at least you have your eyes open now and let your voice be heard. Don’t back down and keep dogging them if no changes are made in this one particular area. But I am so glad there is some progress. Blessings be-Amen. Take care my fellow Blogger Friend 🙂


  9. Terry that is encouraging news and as you see prayer is powerful, as also Len noticed the miracles of God. NEver give up, you always have us to support you. We will continually pray for you. Now you get some sleep and the well deserved rest.! Love and hugs from Ute


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