I Took a Different Path

Today I went and saw Al. After I left there I forced myself from returning to the computer and went through one of those self-serve car washes. I swept the inside and shined everything possible. Then I used the big hose to give the car a bath. Sort of like the old song, Doggy Want a Bone???

On my way to the Y I stopped and shot this photo.pear tree It is a Pear tree. I thought you would enjoy also seeing the first photo I took about seven  years ago. This is when it hit me that I really enjoyed being an amateur photographer.62983060313

Then I went to the YMCA and used some of the weight machines. I walked a mile on the treadmill, and then went swimming in the warm water pool for half an hour. I came home not sore but knew that I had done something unfamiliar to my old body.

My grandkids came down and we watched a movie that was recommended to me by a friend on here. The life of Pi.

Both of them were glued to it along with me. It is an excellent movie. Here is the trailer for it.      http://youtu.be/mZEZ35Fhvuc

I thought of Al definitely today, but I made some free time for my mind. I am tired tonight but in a good way. I wonder if I will be able to walk tomorrow………

About Al? and his day? I felt bad for him. He was seeing flowers with no tops and squirrels running around. I hope after his body adjust to the new increase of pain medications this will cease. He wasn’t in a bad mood nor happy. He was just being there, sitting in a wheelchair. I took him outside to get some fresh air. He ate all of his lunch. He cried when it spilled on his lap. There were times that he was very confused about the days and what was going on. Is this something he and I have to get used to in order to keep him pain at minimum??????


36 thoughts on “I Took a Different Path

  1. I like that you took some time for yourself. I don’t “like” the problems Al is having. I hope that improves as he gets used to his medication changes.


  2. Bless you, Terry. This post reminded me of the Poem by Frost, The Road Not Taken. Specifically, the last stanza, where he declares, “I chose the road less traveled by …and that has made all the difference. Peace be unto you and Al.


  3. Pain is an evil thing that we need to sometimes sacrifice others things too, such as our sense of orientation. Just take it all day by day its all you can do.


  4. Lovely photos Terry and I’m glad you’re getting some time for yourself – Life of Pi is a brilliant film! It is also a very good book too. I hope your brother’s new medication settles down soon. Blessings 🙂


  5. Glad that you got some time for yourself – and that you took the camera with you. Both photos are very good. Love the blossom tree … so glad you have spring around you.
    So sorry, that Al day didn’t become the most cheerful, but at least … he wasn’t in any pain
    Taking a different path is the best things we can do … at times.


  6. Great photos, Terry. I’m sorry for the added problem for Al, but also happy for you that you spent time just for you. It makes you feel so much better. It is like refilling your gas tank–you can keep going after the “rest” from the routine.


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